-Terrace Prop'l. JTrL, tJ-S Koltt. tk-i rsirvmniYTrroTrA-NDvr est EsUbllohed Horae and Vehicle Bazaar In Hid TTIJRIilTOVE PARK. I Jr.hKRKVH. KSTATR, mum 11 Rl'immnnv '0.
pr. 3fn. lynn llwry. 85 BUgh at riuro wie. ownors see ine.
i. nairom, ki rm 1 lltkSR HAY. O. inMlJlJAMH and 80N, IM EllubethC close ing-rt estiAijf el lsbleBul new JBrokers. A1ovlv Honie, araiTds in Urgu gronndr, triinis, ganh'n.
iowI run, otc, ttne, hirgt ney, A83A onnoslte Hordcrns1 -TIDY VI IX 8 rooiuit, klkhen, Uundrv, bath, JH sY HiMiii in h-t'iira buimiii. T.rtrTKL, fk RTEOB WCK AIIO AND 'A have ruititer, tulM. roruer rnxilioti. Terma arniiiireil. a.
a. Handy to Suiioii, tuiuutet Iron City. it ivr lj Man.eil, riiWil tiiltsge, for adult olleuUt or 9 hiHiiouiL'i-. Hit to KtlM. rrn-e iii7.
ivun iiem.v, no w. aoR Tiur, 0 mm, autiun. mi v.r: iotiage, 1 land all hoi.nd bviwhv t30. WIUlamH nnd hou, SU New and Heoond-liaud TIPDUAVS, from 4 SO Coiiiiuervial Iiiiif K'-, fruni 81 anu tvouuie sua Single Buggies, cheap, boma nice Rubber-tyred Piano-box Buggies by the best builder in the (State. Z0 HOI XK Repuin and Fumitjltltiir, walk rralk out, liV (van littnrv.
Ii3 BUali-at. li (van llxiu-y, itf OUffli-st, I 1J1 UIH1II. L.uni. Wa nBtrol nearly $00 In and about Sydney. larne looiiia aixi tomti, hnjuitdiij lor Home or lu- vtrtmeiit.
Terms ran h- 1IUICE IN IIOHIS, Beat 'ileal- Ar TgRiiii' toprkkx. assistance to build! Wttfo th rudest iu luo world. bet us bc- aivoil 140. O. L.
Williams and Son. uJ .1 ver) Utirtiom tenants, r.M). A- 4 or 5 rml. Ilciise, funk or wol.T-riouUme nAYMARKKI' un.T bpwlal tli'JK i-fl4h II Hi Ivnn llutiru- U.E.B. HADliewa ofyou y.ten!ay," taitrrTAVilr'' a-, riutl ajfaiu to-day.
PAJ ly" Try Xuday tame flENl'. in 1 Duataeaa, pice Home, dedroua arualntan "Oder viaw -Mar. riage. OUdatone. Herald Offlce.
"'or "ei no letter at G.P.O. Juat rettimed Motor-back Bullies, with spring ouCiIona, cheap) SO TEblDETlAL CHAUHERH. Durliiurburat Height) denllal Molern D.F.-Villu. 5 rooma. luunt'r pUlTKRY W'ORKaS, Vudurtfiv the freehold, profits! iifuerri.ii; wuuiu mitu ouniar unrviuor.
Appiy .8 Dr.inimo.vnc avenue; or 'Phone, Dnimmoyne 828. VarnUried Bulkies, with nlver tnounta and spring cushions, 13 1 10 Second -hand Sulkies, from 4) 16 New ami faecond-nand Vans, from SO New and n.air. i 1 Hunter-street: or RlCHARDaoa and WRENCH, 02 nice verandali--, Iwth, copper, tuba. Nice aspect, "nca wiw, jvwi iienry, go inign-w. J-W clone to top WilHam-at, 10 very low rent, nicely comfortable home, with good living.
Only isy Q. Williamf and Son. 08 El iabeth-at DHAPKilY. Nice ifttle Buainosa. good Tffliop and Willlnu rl.
llvlnir. nn Itx txtrndrd. no ITOOd- eiiii iiMiinri, ROHKRT HARI.KY and nnrj. AIHtTTRV. ana ana near iiunutr-Bt, PREMISES.
aecond-band 18 10 New and Secondhand Milkcarta. frotn il (lwtnrw ta. from iU: JJANUFACTURLNO WANTED TO LEASE, raft oid-eatabllalied Agency. Place vour BminMM with im for nul4 aala. lnJOOiiBE.
bPLENDinTAXUEH. bEK TO-DAY. ABB YOU. 8EEKIXO A IIOMCf We, have for Hale Village Carte, tound and right, from good Farm Waggons, with high from 15; bingle and HAIRDRES8ER and TOBACONItrr. In a nod local! tv.
will, full vnl. for money, abt 150. Williams and Son. 0iV SHOP and nWEIiLIN'tl, 9 rooma, laundry, large Jiut out of tho city, Sliop and Dwelling, Saloon 0 CONFECTIONERY, nice tound little smalt rnt 17.
An. 810 nrool PiocK uuin, nxturea, acaiea, oounten, etc, Torrena. WUUon. Well-nliinneri Ruinr-inur a JL.j-'!!8L-'--. O.P.O.
WI.L pcraon who wrote Mrs. L. Ward, r.O Eiilcld. pleaaewriloagalni letter loat. WOULD a J.
DOUGLAS or A. R. SnARPV of l'S I'ltt-at In or anyone knowing eitbw. com. muMcatejviu.
McKVILLY and lIcEVILLY, 17 Caatlereagb-alreet. Sydney. i-omea anu jaoie-top always on nana; 20 TradMraen't llonte, young and sound, from 6 and some very nice, oulet Ponle-i 60 Draught Horaea and ABOUT 80,000 FEET FLOOR SPACE, within area Grace Hrothera to Bridgeiat. liusex -street to Uyde nu mion tit per weex. I'oaition centre 01 tramc.
A B-ond niiNlncjM and liv-tntr lap a tntiiMrrian. A'fiM. given, only 00; very rcL Williams, 05 Containing bell, 8 lirm roomii, kitchen, laundry, bath, luvFTOi unrii umnrTCfi, 415.AAY( 60 DEPOSIT, NKW D.P. VILLA, 8 1 kitchen, laundry, encloaed Verundah. some very choii-o Mares.
All lloraea and Ponies sold gg, purduclng euewaere. ijxsrowirfl bound a in: ad. INVESTORS ATrKSTIONI TWpnrw of Bsnkstown rompels the eon i 4entioa Of mvestor. Id 1000 land was for 3 10s which is now worth 14 per foot You wouldn't nM helfered It, would I Veil, here's enothrr tip. In el I tin protubllity pirllmlirly In view of electrification of the Bankttown line- rvalues will rise just as fart in the near 1 future.
We can now offer you tonie fi exceptional mom-iuKDiQ OPFOKTLTilTIES. I Iitwrtlnte these at onee---thpy won't keep, OEKENAORK AND EHTATKH, I TBTMft-Two Lots, Oil SfO, 828, I per foot (opp. railway). I IJfe Corner Block, fi'jift isnAtie.ntJr; nsing aist. duk-kcu, iwiii.o shows clear 5 to 7, lrlaL WiiHams.
wiiti a uuii before purcliastng. and all vehicles ruaran ROBERT HARLEV and PONS, ojip. LIDCOMBK. 1 Geoeral Post Office, to give it Infection, and put on boat or rail free of charge. It wnl pay you to iupect our stock beore A 11.
MILLARrPBIvATK PETEOTIVB Advice free. No auccea. no at u.rlr.t.. CITY Tobacconist and HuirdressimT, solid only wants looking Into, cheap. O.
L. II llama and Son HAM and BEEF, Arncliffe, in a good position and well fitted. A good opening for small capital. lUnem the cause of leaving. Must sell; make reasonable offfr.
Owner will sell. ESTATE AGENCY, Suburban. A rare onoriirrdty to acquire a good-going business at a dmal coat This it worth inquiry. For 1015 weekly average. 20.
For this year the average ia 27 per week. Office 30. itiiiuui i ron ana rear, Inc) 60 IM. Toi-reiw Title. 420, Splendid Value.
Worth Prompt Inspection. Small DeiKttlt, HaUnt as Rent INTEIlCOLOMAfj INVKSTUKST 4 and Castlere-gh -atreet, near Huntt-r-slreet Olfl-0 open Friday LVeiiiiigs, 6 till P. pOULTRY FARM, WITH STOCK, CLIENT WAITING. 1UIUiaiiUK rJJenw UiMVL, BKAU iruii, puro low rem, iv, Hhnn Biwl Tiuv, Itr ahnura pWf A TI.W. at fTUlE LARQfT AN nix, Jtarrla, and 17 Bridgest rjHIRTY POtTKDa A 0 HJnutca from Station, 0 from Tram.
ATTRACrnVK NEw" BRICK COTTAGE. 4 TWULTltvFARM anTORCIIAlib. (kittave. fi A- KAHY TERMS ARRANUBD. much more In summer.
Williams, Oft Elizabeth-street and kitchen, 8 to 10 rooms, 10 to 13 miles from RPRINO 11POART, HORSE, AND HARNESS, 14 1 nick of 8 Hooded Wamron Turnouts, from 18: L. WILLIAMS and SON. Ub EUx.nt. Ham, ridings, rony ana irup, csw, For any Buslnew you require pleaae call on pa. late roof.
hall. 4 rooma. kitchen. lanndrr. bath city, 10 minute aiauon.
toipcraure. L. Bedfera P.O. etc, nothing better, 6 clear, 173 rare oargn. TJAJflKR'B AUSTRALASIAN DETECTIVE BlIRllIlT Agenta throughout Auatralaaia.
Commended try': Judge, and Police. Divorce and Secret Inquiriee. Evi. dene. Collected, loat wvea Traced.
Mod, fee. Private olflce, 03 Pltttt. oppoaite Ileiald B. COOKE, formerly of Sydney nigh-claaa Confldential Agent. 4 Kowe-etj8ydney.
rSoOKE'S' Woriil f.mou. Detective Agency. Opened im. B. Cooke.
Director. 4 Bowe-ai. Sydney. pick of 6 good Dealer Turnouts, from 8 each; pick of 10 good Rabbit Turnouts, from 7 aachi 10 Double room (well fitted), pantry, linen preaa, ate. flbrouai VrrCTOHlATRKhT, DARL1NOHLU8T.
nUjIUKNCK, 8 rooina, kit, and all offloca. JOHN BULL AND BirLL'S-CH AMBERS, nice Block Und, to cloae to aTation, cheap. Para. to L. Herald.
ii MUUiUS-onitiiji' (urouna rioorj, ui i oz. b.iu oi.iK.a lAirriea, irom tLas escn; square van, rony, IjANI), ISM. PRICK, 2000. BLADE and BROWN. Dalton Hwiiie, 115 PHttrwt.
BINGHAM, SYDNEY'S LEADTNO BUSrWESS AnVTSEB. Muunga, ocvuiu tigut, gaa a.OTD. LAND, note thla, 68 130, AND ONLY nu iiarneas, to lot; Turnout, suit riumcer, two OHOP and veiling waniea, cican. gooa loczuiyi be low. Swaino, Wahroonga P.O.
Dwelllni THE MOST GENUINE Bl TSTNESSES ON THE MARKET. Ar.T. IVViVSTlnATKn AND AtTDITKD. I rftawmcru rum i CM, JO0, xuruuuia, innn 'it cacn, iiew van, young lTlLhY-KTHEET. rmV VI-OItfV4TKEKK KJ rent must iltf.
end 2o7 nor foot. 133 Pitt-st. next King-it Lift 5th FI. TeL. 1330.
V. OS llarketat, Sydney. Ci MALL Furnished Cottage, 2 or 8 with yard ODBwa.vroed.ODe Lot, 60 220, to6 pr nCTPURE PALACE, busy eulmrb, profit guaranteed 8 to 10 plant 000, 6 lease, rent 7, 700 Dvpoatbf from tS0- THERE ARB PLENTY MORE. We Motor to Jnapoct. PRICK.
TRL'STKE 8ALR. ST(ADE nnd RllOWX. Dalton IImmo. 115 Pltt-ttreet. lot poultry, near oyuuuy.
BILLTARD PALACE, fortune for ex-hotelkeeper in this with closing hotels at 6 o'o. Must do enormous UNCLAIMED CASH. Loat Friends, Advice prompt, private. inexDenaive. CHAR.
JONES. 7ft. nM.nre. TOBACCONIHT and iiAluoiMtunu, tax. amw I difi iTHd'Snh iff We have cash 11 nOP PROPERTY.
Western fiuburoa. iiorse, ana Harness, lotrurder -cart Turnout, lot 10; Teacart TlirnouL lot young Pony, Saddle, and Bridle, lot good Turnout, suit Woodcarter, 10; 60 Horace. Mares, from 4. WEEK'S TRIAL giveu wUh.idi All coods put on rail or boat free, NOTB THE ADDRESS RE.NS1NOTO -8-ntEI-rr, CITY, 4 doors from Regent- 8772. Searches, Gen.
Inqufriea, etc. atuvoV aL vaL Easv terma. Written gtmr. 10 wk. lj DOUniK-KRONTlSD t'OTTA iese io years, iu taoies.
'ine ngnt ftriaoced OO 750, no exper. aa capable nianagei controls. See earl v. HEJOHWAY and HIOGS. The PrODertr lfen.
rO buyeT for 1 pair or moie. Must be in good pod- in good DOM- 5 room ii, kitchen, and all domettfo offloea. Land 60 BOARDING-HOUSE, Al home, 12, profit 4, IimMiim val aPWVl. hnantira- fMWnianent. 200.
FOWLEU and SON, bum- TRAM TERMTNTTS, HURIjBTQNR PARK. MOTOR GARAUE, the largest In N.S.W., profit 1120, I'KIL-K, S00. Onfn to offer. IrOST AND FOUND IRANVILLKT OONFEO. and FOlfNT.
DRINKS, taking 20 profit iouu yr, caan atwuu, ml. cm easy terma, no exper. PijADE and BROWN, Dalton Hmw, Pltt-etrert, -T Modern W.B. Cottage. 0 lame rooma and lamtdry.
CJPEOIAL OAftH BUYER for FARM and RESIDENCE, rcqu. aa capsDie manager in cnarge. 4. plant 4W(-stocK aw, linos, tn'out, rr. tiw.
nnvb1 biui FOUNT. nuINKH. nUnt 500. stk. 150.
street, next -ivirrifa dkhweki. FVE POUNDS Copper for Auto. matio ii e.ter. taken from uremisrx. Bom Rv.
1 2 tillhra antt DWELLINOfl. WET.L LET. 0 rooms, Mtiton a roint to uomany uiae, 10 sutMi. front and rear veraiidaJia, good block ol land, Torrena, able. nroflU hut 12 mth.
1U. c. 3000. ball terms. profit 10 profit 10 all year, round.
50, tma "VTEWI.AND'S BAZAAR (Tbcne, L2I38) offers genuine A-l business in Xew and Second-hand VEHICLES of YEARLY RESTS, 114 10t. PRICE, 1100. Torrent, penu parxicuurs. junnmiiaie innpecuon. CALDWELL'S AGENCY, 117 PltUtreet.
f. HAY, Eaute Agent. ttszo, timio nepoaiiv W.B. Cottage. 4 rooma.
kitcben. and front MANUFACTORY, clean old thriving concern, prottts It'' iwi. i praderick-rtreetFour Lots, 100, 200, .6. and' ST6 per font. 1 1 lMt Temcc-One Lot, 00 200, 08 per ii foot.
i 1 Brown-road, near trrerpoolroad. Five Lot. 1M 530, 43 to 76. 1 Jtortkcote-road. One Ixtt, 133 830, 18.
Large Block, Uiree TBlocka, 1M, 12(1 per foot, Rf ERA ESTATE (adjotning Oondell Park). IIOIOiliENT BUYINO. IoU, fiO HI, from only 13fl wr fooL DONT MLfcB 1 1 TI1BSB. I WATTLE OROVR ESTATE (adjolnto Hewk I Era). A Itf, from 30 to 3.
ANOTHER 8VAP. UOOHSnilLD EST ATE," only a few nrinutee from podt-ofDc. School, and Ohurohfa. -iHome 8lt, 200 ft, from 10tt per I fooL A RARE BARflAIT. RICKARD'S EASY TKRUB.
v' Phone, 7123.. Roe. Bay. UAFli, trade aou proni to vo iw, i trial, plant, and flttfngs Sapriflce for 850. TiKflTAnnAVT -ml HKHIDENTIAL.
trade 50 every ueacription. Alwsya In Stock Double and and rear venndaha. 810. 18 deocalt. mO PROPERTY aa.
montna over iwu, Daiance-aneeta ana evcy investigation avatUble. Fortune for 1100. near station, cOItNFR SITE. 00 130. PRICE 4 10a foot.
have Bnvera waltimr for POULTRY FARMS AND it Ktevatea Building uiock, os lev, gaa ana waier, 17n omgie oeaiea isuggiea, Hght Hooded Buggies, Phaetons, Iron and Rubber Tyre Sulkies. Timber Dray. A CLEAN CITY Commercul Buaineas, requiring no I prof. 8 to 10. Furn.
nnd plant 200. Price 250 EOST. Gold Football Medal, bet, Sporta Ground and Stadium; 128 qleomore-rd. Paddlturton. OST, Hh, bet.
(Juay and Bayawater nl, Paato ORCHARDS, from 2 to 10 ACRES, handr to citv and offer. 8LADE and BROWN, Dalton Home, US Pitt at. esUb. 80 oroflt 810 600. CaXDreat Wmrmm nrl loot, a oepoait, TORKE, CranTflle.
FRUIT, and FOUNT. DRINKS, proni NEWSAGENOY, 6600 estab. 20 long LJOUTll 1'AKIt. eiauuo aluui iciii iuii uewua. A.
E. Farms Salesman, 7. rtk and punt fi'-W. Kext picnire snow.' aiaxiann: iit tjv.nywii...
iow rare cnance, casn taw, uai. termr. WE WHJi YOU INTO ANT BUSINWW. ,117 "4 I'awri ans, mngie ana uouoie Lorries, Sociables, Drags, Brougham Cabs, Mourning Coaches, Landaus, etc. Horae, Ponies, and Unmet 1st Floor, 76 ritt-street.
Modem D.P. Brick O0TTAOB RESIDENCE hall E0ST, Barling Pipe, in Puree. $aturdav morning. In Moruben Return to 33 MoritbenTd. 0T, Sunday night, between.
Abbotlford and Five Dock. Grey Neck Pll. Tnl.nli.n. IT.t.a uAimtsa Kveryu-uere, pick; of very beat, 10, Jo, ai, 25, 80, 83, 60, 75, 100, cows. See the best here.
MILK Runs, all very best, all prices, cash or terms, WANTED, W.B. Cottage, 8 and kit, 400 to 600, cash, SUPERIOR KKHIOENTIAIj, rUUltlUll.i.1, STANDS -LOVELY GROUNDS, BUBWOOD. 7T5. DEPOSIT 100, WEEK. Idrawlnftrooni, dlninc-rooin, 8 double bedrooma, extra, large kitchen, pantry, laundry, bathroom, modern flt- rmcni rneeejwdroek, value guaranteed, E.
NBttLAND. 87-61 PammatU-road. Camnerdown, nlcndidlv clean 410 weekly rrer PICTURE ALACK, must bo sold. A lease, every- An Attractive New Brick Cottage, in a atreet, bandy to the aUtion, good rooma, kit- Wahtkd to Kent, Cottage or House, vre-mortig or vicinity Doone, P.O.. Manly.
M'V TIPDRAYS, mirfect order, from 1X1: thing In perfect running order. Owner, the landlord. Iiinga ami onua uirongnouc, euce root, uwna, garuena, fowl-runfl, etc. Thii hom*o la handy to both tram and train and occupies one of the highest polota. in "rder Cart, from 6 Vana, from three 2-ton Ttfrrtaii.
fmm 1)11. -m a. Slnele wen, ciecuw ugnt, gaa iwk. idtPOKlt and lOe monthly for oach SS porcnue cane tew oonus irom a good tenant. Goldmine aomeon.
PRODUCE BTORK. aGA olfar nroflL Owner ill. ClT, b.t. George and Crystal eta, Wednesday. Gold Cameo RINO; row.
Mm. Gold, IA Gcorge af. L'b'dt. I OST, from 41, Forest lodge, Cattle PUr blue apeck hack bead: reward. RESIDENTIAL CHAMBERS, DARL1NGHUBST, 14 rooms, well old established, never any tine ruiis sxm.
lerma Arranged. also a Pair. Ward, tti F'uiatta-rti, A'daie. STANTON and SON. Bmrrmcr H1TL sacTiflce at the auction value of plant and horses.
Cusn 8 Sulkies, from pick of 60 SuU Harneai. of all descripUona, from Iiiapcct luuumh vacancies, 200. jusktii, iao fitt-streeL imH 1 Aw nartlcnLurs to WANTED, 8 or 4 roomed Cottage, 8 milea dty. Occuuier. 8 Brae-at.
Bronte. "EPOSlT 25. M'OONNELL and Dolwlch HHl, Terminoa. 1 W. E.
TriUon, opp. Ilankatowa Btation; few, umt, ov, eatHr (nrma. cnance. CARRYINO and WTTlNlTliRK. nwiutr 111.
Rfll on an EVIDENTIAL, narllnvhiint. 7 roomm. evnrv conv. usa jnu-wrect, below People's Palace. tr AlRHTKl.n.
Hw W.B. Oottase. nome, kitchen, Mar. law. Bay boat.
Wed. night. Purse, note, -U silver, key. Reward, rnw. "LTURIJJTONB PARE.
50 DEPOSIT. Xw nicely compact home, -urgent reasons sell- 'J 11 03 WI''-treet Newtown, have for (enns, suit rename Oliver, matte any oner wiuun ren WANTED, Furn. Cottage, or 2 Double Kiirn. Rooma, piano; car yard. World, Herald and laundry, front and back veranda he, land 60 ISO; jiiwa.TB run, aiiuu.
wuwr.i'ii, ijq in, zo yra, conneciion. (jmuace metime. Kinnii. rim-cuua Lame, vans, HuiKies. Phaetona.
Bakers' Milk, ami Vllia rta. f.r.m.Mi.1 OSJ, Saty. night. Bunch Keys, bet Coliseum ThenTr. hrneat-rt.
Row. Gleneoricn I 8 tuiuutea atatlon, 300, 10 weea. New D.F. Brick COTTAQB. haH.
4 roona. rmktut. em rfe ui xa i. In l. 1XT ANTED to Kent, small 'COTTAGE, double front HAii and HEKF, Smallgoods, position Al, compact, cnsilv worked, established veara.
rieht' neraon ,1. MClrUJAUV, UIIKIU, -'laTHrjB BICKARD AHD 1 'Eelty SpedaUsta, 8ID Pirtttmi, and Buckboard Buggies, Sociables, Horties, and Ponies, OST. Carter- Dclivorv Unrtlr. h.r' J. a upc, close city, it.
ratiauigion I court, kltchco'laimdry, pantry, bathroom, Unen preef, oak art-mantela, flbroua ceillega, gaa atore, elec wk. Stock about 660, lovely residence and district RESIDENTIAL, mamtifloent. 32 beautiful rooms, true- nvnirau av nnttaw. lann rooma. kitchen, flell- Redfern-Ht Redf.
Ret. is Marl. mr wffgmy, a.jf. ana uv. 1 or Knuine lerms.
sMUiancft ba XJ buindry, hath, every oonv. Land 40 140. Torrena. niflcently furnished, same guests for. yra.
Caah 300, ii mi i mui, Rwa diock oi tana. Torrena 'rttie, rKJUK, iONFECTTONKKY. Refreahim.nU. Al us is wrpklr.
Handv to atatlon. viw wmi, ierma, cou oep.t oai. aa rant. wu. uuina, aau, curoiiura wortn more uiuncy.
WAniur, AIIIULUJO ur IWCUWE, JLHUIU, VI. (Hl't tn-; no gta.Lowest 88 ANTED' to Rent, araalf CotUge, acre or Granville. 810 Norton -t, Lelcbhardt. V-1 picture sliow, with sole right sell inside, clear luuiortment of Single and Double Lorries, curry 1 to 0 tons, -with wide tyres, pole' TOST. Monday nfghi, between Gordon and JohVatat Pearl Ch.
Bangle. AvondaleInjmt, pot. OST, jaondtv, Silver Silky Terrier- Bitch. Xd Carrington HoteL Petewham. n.
J. BMITHERS, Udcombe. 9 Aim bltiv. 88 204. beaut, vlewa, hV hnnhU -T(io M'OOVyETA and Dulwich Hill Tgrmbrna.
BINGHAM'S, lag pitt-st. next Kuig-at. Lift Btb Floor. nu screw Liraites, irom ciB. rjquare anu Dul, BrLLIARD Business, excellent 10 tables com plete.
sure fortune rinbt man. 1050. half caah. W. N0RMAN7 .132, gd.
proa. val. Ardmore, Box 82. G.P.O Vninaatj, ucorge-at, iiaymarket. below Horderns' WANTED to Bent, Cottage, 4 rms.
and kit, Hill, Pet, or Marrickvllle. J.T., P.O.. ttoadt, balance 23 week Double-front Brick I ALVEUN HILL. MINUTES STATION, 4 rooma and kit. Inspection will buy.
I SELECT POSITION. Cbaliwood. Cbatai OST in GtMrnrc.iit WcilnwiaJ 'am, tji' jflOOD TIPDRAY vountr Horae. and Harness. In ner Ocean noose, Moore-street.
Taku IJft to First Floor. COTTAGE Boilt on your own Und, no deposit, Mnt A niTTTtrlANV hi.lliW Ayres. CO Mm. Cmtrr-h Th T.nFtk RIEDLE. ILLIDCJK, and 109 TX7ANTED, smull Block of Und, Northern district, manent work.
Whi.Ji can ht a miner large roomn. all officea. return vrandjJi. lirtrlo ll4i. tkjn.
33 GROCERY and MIXI-JD, STATIONERY, growing west TIEAL Sacrifice, Croydon. 1 specuuuon. Apply Kievation, ueraia umce. 2 Male CanariM. y.t.,-,i.- Hofrnimff'ahaDbera.
.188 Pitt-etreet. By doer. Insiwrl Double-front Stone 1 GROCERY, with Poet Offloa, 2 acrea land, low rent, well ab acre land, low rent, waft 418 weekly. Tbo lot 30: anv trial uivm. Sauare Lost; 49 ito-tavi ikMi't mlH IIniftAn.t VWtw.
AaA offlcea. raiiMt 71 "FF wu wu aua vcraiwao, UUM. A flmtnt Cottaire, 4 rooma, mm iw mjorge-si. 11 mar net, oeiow iiorogrns WANTBD, an Tnvestmcnt, small Cottage, within easy access bt the city. Percentage, Herald Offlce.
Elans a.m. to 6 p.m. Fridaye, 8 a.m. to 0 p.m.; at appointment ft if. jap jriiL-iirtci.
UkU, M0. Land, 60 140. I OST, Brooch, keepaakel 128 iward. t'oheil. 40 Ml8aeiidMi-rd.
NodIuvth ern exceptionally nice on op ana uweuing, low rent, long leaje, takings 18 per week, and increasing. CLEARS 8 OVER ALL EXPENSES, nicely, fitted, well stocked, about 40. Price, iOl AUAJOri UsT, Hairdretaer's. George-et takg. 80 uititLK, io rilt-etreet.
ifAIAHnvimr, mm nTv. CVR SALE, SUCIABLES, Sulkies, Buggies, Hawkers1 nnd Milk Waggons, D. and 8. Lorries, Butchers', Qrocera. Order CartM.
I)atra' And fin Vuna nomas WANTED, 3 or 4 all eon luce locuUty. Win. Dc Jabet. lda-st. Sana Bouci.
cnairs, just tne thing for tradeaman DMESEEKERS, I will Build on your Und without Bead advt. in this column every Satur MVBlUhiVT. Bwt on the Market; Tiiveftment. wutny atzw. jvuki'II.
iao 11 tt -street A DarUDSbum, Id see. tram pawe. door, a Brirk men ran on t. H. L.
tbbotboh. ntt-st. Har. Est. 88 yonrs.
n. Cohen. 40 Mlssenden-rd. N'town. 050.rNew D.f.
Brick COTTAGE, attnetire de-ajgn, ate roof, 6 lovely rooma, kit, all ofDoee, Blcepiiig-out verandahs, flb. cellinga, electric light, and OST from 12 Herbert-6t, Newtown, Foxterrler. RT ward on returning same'. fjOOTrTbehvTHiU-at und Carlton Gunmeuil Watch, ltntum Rntldtntv trt WANTED, Piece Und, about 40ft, Guiidford-inCBer wick-at pref. State prlce, J.
Ford, Herald Office. ajuiu Mil rtu rigua, av pl4uvii, TUm rente ik lorrcni. ivw, cean TtjHIR SALE, Rubber-tyred SULKY, almost new, splen western suburbs, nice D.F. Shop, 4 rooms and ADVERTISER will Erect you a W.B. Cottage on your Und, repayable as' rent, from 70 oer woek.
hMted return, mm year. BTKIlliE. ILLIDRH. antf loft PltetrMt Klatsed-ln balconv. nlcelv fitted, well stocked.
did Hsrnesa. and aulct. reliable tiorae. I hai YVAa i so to Kent Room, 20 20, lor BooKiiinaing. no further use for them.
Apply U. LYNAH, miring- rnce ana U'lmen. 107 rmuip-su vi ikct or P5e- PP'y jpo BPQ, u.r.u. LOST, Mun. Envelope, cont Birth beCdtya lahra.
Akaroa. TreUwner-sL W'lahni. INVESTHeirr MALTraUf HIU. GRAND POSrnrat ranavrm HALLORAN, J.p., -A-1- 117 PnT-STREET. TEL Hod nmr 1 Takings up to 20 per week.
SHOWS 4 OVER ALL EXPENSES. Worked by lady. Oood opening tnr linaaa PHu CtR tuu-aib, amrrioatvuie, oeiora iv or oiter a ciock. IK YOU HAVE THIS LAND and want your own Home ftinr nilla, min. 2d Brick well 825.
Almost new D.P. Brlok OOTTAGK. WANTED, Detached Brick Cottage, 5 rooms. MurtT sewered. Cremorne, Mosman, or N.
Shore line. Deposit 100. No agents. BRISBANE, Herald. HOTEL and BUSINESS BROKER, Income Tax Expert, LOST, references, enclosed in bank envelope.
Be ward. Andrews. 280 nflPiintphttHt- on renrai oasis, can I'LAliiiraU and WKlui.TBOM, Biiildeni. Bank-chamberg, Hay-atreet. Haymarket.
HORSE, active, 0 years, would, suit van or any kind of work, pull a ton anywhere, 8, real NEWSAGENCY and STATIONERY. old-Cstab. bininess. spienuta position, owo papers, practically all nargain owner enlisted. BKIUHTjn, Straoban-street,,E.
ll.LinCIG. anri lAfi TX7A.NTED to Rent, 3-roomed CotUge, must be near EOST, bet. Ulyfleld and L'nardt, riurUig, "GoIJ Chain. Turauoiie.
toward, ii n'Moiiif r'nonii- counter trade, orofltable ahon trade. 33 truaran- FUEL, FURNITURE REMOVING, and Lonanoae Point. wnan, wooiwicn. tecd, ou trial, largo stock, good Qttlnga. Owner stations; fabms.
aot stock. moyne. 3V.T.R., iieraio, Brick Bnuses. 6 room, and kit.
Renta S08. Gilt. (Subway mtraneel. Crorion. FOR SALE, big, heavy Draught GELDING, 7 years, sand or anv trial, most oil.
nn furthtu nu. 13. going jo nospitai. ruiuis. avoou, wnicu inciuaca LKVT 10 a.m.
tram from Bondi, small Parcel, ad-(It-eara! KinD Malhnui-n. aaAaval UftI LONG LEASE; "NO 01-PO6 "rS PRICE FOR A omnir rai.e iiiMlL rf nr. RIEDLE, IIXIDOE, 100 rltt-at. "'i" PARK. BIOCK.
WANTED, by Lady and 4 Children, Furs. Cottage, or part of Furn. Cottage, must be moderate rent inn. a uiuwa-iirect, Aiexanuna, BURN, Penkivilistrect, BondL HUNDRRDa fW uhrKia PROVISIONS, 8MALLGOODS, splendid position, "QADTNGLE Y7TLA CKTOWN -A-L About 1 mile from station. Blocks acre upward, at from 0 per Mock, only 10 deposit, 6 ruonthly.
fto agents, m. c.o. r.O., William-street rilEN Single and Double LORRIES, atane with double tram junction, no opposition, fine attracttvo ahon, "SPiSi. 8 5 Uundrr.TedtobS: wr, sj-dney Railway Station, Lady's Handbag, con- -4-4 tainlmr keA-a. nnrolannV.
pin rcrurarvl itr irt.iii. KerUajTurton. good dwelling, 8 roouia and takings up to JIDJ, BEALTTfUL BTDE. COTTAGES ON EAST TEBBS. anaiu ana wide to carry 5 or 6 tona, cheap.
689 Bourlte at. off Ctford-at. Surry lUIIa. namer ierma ror 3 or more. Five large Blocks, nearest comer to station were re.
HrRi.BTJiU Banking Georg-at rmuiiHtLS oniy, give iuii neiaiis. ril-r-sl'UELT. L.J9 CITY. H.Kffrupnfnj.MA, iieram vtocp. TITLE TORRRNa PRIi uob.
40. guarantees on a trial, vkinuuk iuakaa-TEES CLEAR PROFITS AT 10 PER WEEK. Good fittings, m. counter. Ire chest, mirrors, Dayton scales, palm stands, gaa stove, etc.
Large HOODED Double-aeated Buggy, light Abbott Buggy, Pony Pbaeton, Drag, to carry 26 paaaengera, cheap. Ti8n Off OKfnrdt. Rnrrr TXTANTED, COTTAGE. North Sydney, 50 deposit, tnuoa rninntea of the Station.
WelMnrat Brick I wi, cable Bangle, Union Jack, Trinket, il -J bctvv. Tlieatre Royal and Redfern Btation- Please return to 100 Eveleigh street Redfern. Reward. A BARGAIN. DEPOSIT BALANCE 15 FEB oaiance as rent, rarucuurt to tallage, nox rnicea, a rootra, kitcnen, and all modem, ooioes, served for a special purpose.
That object having been served they are for aale to the bid of buyers. Many have asked for them; a creek and dain are on it. Make a good garden, orchard, and poultry farm Oom-bined. Tender your price, name deposit and Inatal menta rou fan oav it' not lot of mnnn nmt G.P.Oi No agents. 'IJESIDEVTIAIJI.
IGHT eooi.Mc7"4"lonr and Pi. sxock. An exceptionally proutaoin Duuneas. mce, 150. Chance seldom met with.
HILLARY lopikll Slatlonl TT7ELL-FUBNI8IIED COTTAGE wanted, in any good U8480. NEWSAGENCY, STATIONERY, ETC. A solid misi-nem. rilnrvxrlnrr of 14.000 nanttra Vftttklv. ahaolntolv suDUTO, not more tnan woeuy; no ennaren
100. JOHNSTON' and JOUN'STON. WET'ORTHmLE. lrr- corrrerted I Waggon, 2 aquaro Vana, Order Cart, Till. b.0.
lata, lor put 8 year, baa ahown 8 over Cart, cheap. 6.19 Botirlmt. off ttrtord-at. Surry ceotion'ariaSii JfS. Vfnd TJUQOV, with brake; reliable Horae.
8 ytSSTiet Si1; PM Sydney. 160. Auction ymlu. J- new lUraeae. any trial: 14 lo chean.
lady and maid only. 8S4, Herald. -linU0 Dm blocked. Excellent ahop Xrade. Pull price, including down, but regular payments.
Atk and you can get a plan. Inspect and tender by noon SOtb Inst The highest or any not necessarily accepted. Mention thia N.3W. Brdc Station. LOST, between run ore tram, Newtown Bdge-, Ore PURSE, money, gold medal.
Finder keep purno reward rcL medaL 15 CoUcge-st N't'n- LOST, between Methodist Ch. and Shcrt-stnivbl NOTES, numbers known; rew. 80s. Return McDONALD and SN'EDDON, Norton-at. Lelchhardt LOST, Yeend-street Wharf, Balrnain.
Silver and Gold Net HANDBAG. Reward. Apply Offlce, AAROISS' Exchange Hotel. riV water. Torrena Title.
Owner worth more. tTCTANTED, HOUSE or large COTTAGE, with handy to city. Reply, full particulars, Tenant Herald, King-street Rcfuaed recently. Bent 46a. aioua, acouv, neaaonunie ierma.
GEO. THOMAS and SON, 12 CASTLER EACH-STREET. up M.rrneHttrrei, city, on uny'roaq. 1 ISSmS f0r WU1 ieU 27" foot D'UURST, wnca awung lor pian. DM BLOCK.
LITTLE XrUST Sen, 3 Second-hand Ti araya, in good order, A BTDS, Smin. about I for DAIRY, 84 tip-top cows, 'flrst-clasa horses, carta, etc. Milk output 65 gallon a day. all 6d Quart In- BUSINESS KITES trnm if. Ti.t.
eacn. cocbd: also witn urates, WANTKD, In North Svdney, handy position. Brick Cottage, 4 rooms, land not less 40 120, Price reaaono for aelllng. only 140. V.
J. Tl RISER, Sworn Valuator and Real Entate Expert, Member Auctioneers and Agents' Association, 161 Ouav4treL UavmarlcnK RvHnn water. Unrivalled iwitior I V1V each. 08 Myrtle-street off City-road, creaslmr utihnrb dm othnr rlnlrv thMv) taurtr wnn. uniy JOsh*tON and JOHNSTON.
Ryde Station. TcL S08. 500 to 700, spot cash, pars, to a. 11., iters m. vrriUK OPEN RATimniv ir.r.
mv TONY, 11 hands, 4 year: S-rorine "Bent-shaft Sulky. UA11UNGUUKST, nr. nr. 5- S' n1 fbna coat 90. DAIRY.
The Cowa as a herd cannot be equalled Ip the N. P. HILLARY l-ODrxMll lyraicTTHiLE bilCWICiTTIiiX, Lamps, set new Harnsen, any trial, 22 lot; cheap. Branch Offices, Ramsgate, Kogarah; and Black town. VTANTED, between KILLARA arid WAHROONOA, at RI-IDRNCE.
RECEPTION and 8 BED ROOMS, I OST, between Rotv-at, Forent Lodge, and Walkcr- avenue, Haberfleld, rubies and pearb: reward. 70 Rosa-strcct. ifEvtrrnr.n:nPn. 1 Buue, doiis, on latest mouei. Jiien.
power, chaffciitter. Clar wax-klv nmflha '50. trial. 98 Mvrtle-atrect. citv.
off drv.nMrl. Phones. City 8770-6533. a aiuiFA niAiiu.i, MOOMHD BRICK COTTAGE FOR K875. anu MAID'S ROOM, and all usual offlcea.
Price up GEO. THOMAS and SON, 12 dSTLEREAGH -STREET. 4, IVTlIOHTSON'rTEOTAf RrpuoT, bowl Atirt Ttnp.wul nurl. (UD retadted Doaole-rronted Br 'k Cottaore. A EARLY newslngle Lorry, reliable Horse, 6 yeart, set new Hames.
ton trial, 28 lot; cheap. "tHATBWOOD, 175, gd. site, can't be built out. Torrens. 25.
turm. TIJfijjT'iRNATIONAL LKTTLSfl niTRB.TT "jr betw. Wilmot-st and George-st small h. allvei1 rialno aim mnt In hllr Uantn. aood gardrn.
witll bearing fruit Send particulars to Myrtle-'treet, city, off City-road. reu.uiirni. unrturn. ae. 1 a a 2.
Mortra(r'. 1, monthly. 5 nor Infuraiait tt irn mv' i' NORMANHUR8T. Nearly 4 acres, lovely soil, good high itAi.K anoN, i-iirarpgu MHJC niTV, 88 gallons a day, in FIRST-CLASS RESIDENTIAL SUBURB, rare turnout, 2 upsUnding Uorsea. near IlarnMM.
tr. LDM, Hit IWI. rmLLlps. WHEELER, and Ltd, pos. for come and orchard, 12 mina, good home ad.BrVnf inH -ttainrnvinir livialltv (ma MARE, 14 hands, 6 yean, new Saddle and Bridle, 7 lot, cheap: any triaL rTTANTKD TO BUY.
Small SUBDIVISION BLOCK. flrUtholic Wllmot-st-. LOST, W'ednesday, large old-feshloned Gold Brooch! 1 between Macquarie-it and Edgeclifl. Reward- Nls Aiviiiur. II 1 j.t nv iv UU I) 7 Moorcetrret.
ohn. tine up to 700, about 20 to 40 per acre, near 'vt. SaWnga Ttank-chamberii. I1AYMARKKT QYO THOMAS Snd SON, lj CASTLEREAGH-STREET. WYONO, fronts River.
About 25 acres, suit orchard. no city, on KAZj-rrma. THEN; AlOtiMAlv V1ERRYLANDS, BUKDA PARK. 1T CS, fid 256.
BUTPiii-rtv 21 'SIM. terma arranged rei l0 t'over 90,0., iioji-Hxreei, poupie nay. TEGISTKY OFFICE, a Genuine Little Boriness, "suit- UTTER CART, reliable Horae, set new liaraeas, garaen, ai for paasions and a tip-top spot tor a boarding-house, 14 feet water at frontage. A for uuuuiuru, uiaer uisuivia cgonutrra. LAND, Box 88.
1 MINUTE FROM BOAT, S.R00H BRICK COTTAGE FOB 1150. anie TOT ladv. The nonnpftlrm i old and unllrl. OST, Gent 'a Pocket Book, conUinlng cheque, onal I tlfl Din. and tutwm.
Inrlrro Knnlr' Reur.wl The Commercial D. c.AnlX;.mTV?.!r:. any inai, ioi; cneap, 98 Mvrtle-strect. rrltr. of? Ctr.mA.
CASH. No Mortgage. My own land. Call for ulan. Haymarket P.O.
Wtetwd Double-fronted Brick Cottage, 6 large rooma, Clear profits fully 3 a week. Price, inc. offlce furniture Sft, GEO. THOMAS and SON. tunc a.
aHJO, terms. C. J. TURNER. Pflrm Frtwl-t an.
I Birnrn Valitatne. A ripvlTrvw turning E. 0 Erickaop. 449 Pitt-street. Govt.
Savinini avutti. ana ail oincea, twin-aeair, lawn, ana STRONG Covered Waggon, with pole, 2 reliable Mares, and Oarness, any trial. 20 lot: cheaD. 'A MIXED: etc. pRIVATE BOAHDING-HOlrSE, Charming Waterside Ilav and Oora atrottta.
II A VWnnifPT "The Farmers' Exchange," 181 Qiisy-atreot, Haymarket "si, uetween itoyai seating Bink and D'hirrst, or In Rink, Tuesday, 20th, Cameo Necklet Vat WVr ti l. 11 i 9S MvrtletreAt. citv. off Citv-rmd. ivamMt.
W'-vrniAJPS. nilEKLER. am. WE have a very reliable client who la desirous of Renting for 4 to 6 months Gentleman's Furnished Home, on the north side of city ntef erred. Must have Jb bedrooma, with usual 'reception-rooms, up to 44 per week, 'Send or 'phone particulars to us oppojlciou, well Mocked and Itted, 90 Jolly Jara! ralea.
ice cheat, ahowcaaea, mirronJ, elecSo biht an! mm- wi uuui favruiiKnurBU i ur i ice. ja preuy garaen, ia nanaaomeiv turn, rooms, full perm, boarders, high tariff. Admirably conducted. Clean to a fault i2fl0. Half cash, or lea.
LYDE, facing Duck Creek. 2 LOTS, about j-AORE V- each, on each eide of atreet, 10 THE TWO, rpiPDItAY, reliable heavy 6 yean, act new -a- Harness, ton trial. 18 lot: chean. Branch Offices, Ramsgate, kogarah, and Blacktown. TIOIILTRY FARM.
iioore-nrcer- oJJr'ffirtfr'nf- or LOOT, Gold BROOCH, between School and tram terminus; reword. J.W7J1AO ana nun, us 1 1 r. AU -gl r. at once. u.
ana Myrtle-street, city, on city-road. 7A5tED. ffyw ntiih. awuul 1 4 ttuJlillluc hill, ior rmp 1 I muaa. JJy own anci.
Hucn a tunrain, tor poultry. MtfiMWe Dft. D.K. Bk. COTTACK, 5 nr.
ARTHUR BLACKWOOD. PKiinnurtuvjs, Acton-it, Hurlstone rark- Phone, City 4S8B. 14 Moore-street city. A- COMFORT ABI' BRICK COTTAGE, containing 4 large rooma and all conveniences, WELL FURNISHED In oak. nearly new.
LAND 4 ACRES, all eountv llAlIlDRESSER, and BILLIARD SALOON, fine busbteai, taking 10 a week from billiards HOODED Phaeton, reliable Mare, aet good UaniCHS, any triaL 14 lot: cheao. COTTAGE built on' vour own land, no demwit EOaT, in 7 and and he, not Articular locality TOrrfUrS; all modern oH-rca, lUndv Tram. Lawria, winieni, Govt. Saviogi Hay and Ceo. ct, llaymkt.
fi. -1 Roll Of M-ntlarHnt table.) and 17 otherwiaa, 800. eo. Thomaa. J3on.
vg cty, on city-road. A BfiritLU, gooa pomcvon, near iramt Modern U.K. O- repay as rent. W. A.
DETTMANN, Builder, Hoff-nung's-cbambera, 163 Pitt-street, Sydney. Inspect plans 0 a.m. to p.m.; Fridays, fi a.m. to 9 p.m.; or by r'JONPECTIONERY, fOUNTAIN DRINKS, ETC. to W.
viu w. st. t-ang. new, si Allce-st. Ntn.
YOUNG Horse, Grocer's Cart, Harness, Cafe Tallies, Chairs. Anrkfiint-mpntji ITHh. Chin pAnlrfnt Plant. llSuWint. M1TST SELL THIS WEF.K.
OTrda. Tram. I-" "ncit aimw rooi. aniwinfi aim a nmg tj.i-j.7. oiooi, AVOCa .7 jinum r.iri-hnniti ittrmt Kirfrun.
icnnripir nun, LOST, Monday, Gold Cable Bangle, between AaJJerican Bag Sbop and National Theatre. Handsome reward. jitw iht. u.r. Bk.
uuitaub, mate rooi, uien t. Im- L-'V. tile appointment. Iinen-Dm. front verandah, wide omiunrn, emu-, part cann, pau tms.
hu Mount -st, Show, beautiful Healdence. CLEARS 12 WANTED, aounrf BAKERY-BiraiNESsrtrade "bTl tone per week, atand atrieie.t wnuMtui, linen protw, eicc. iignt, bak 1 no cash, and yc iiotHw, yu iienoernon-road. Alexandria. ivDora, acre umer cuiiivaiion.
goon sunie, coacn-hotise, cart shed, EIGHT INTENSIVE poultry houses, feed-room, Incubator house, brooder hounewith Peta luma brooder utove, TWENTY-EIGHT netted poultry runs with house, 3 incubators, 1 Cypher 240-egg, 2 Buffalo 140-egg each. SIX HUNDRED HEAD OF POULTRY, comprising WHITE LEGHORNS, RHODE ISIAND REDS, BLACK ORPINGTONS, vegetable and flower garden, all garden and caroenter'a tool, corn. rerandnh. bcaulifully flninhcd throughout In mod "niOR Sale, nice, quiet Pony, "driven by lady, alao good IVEML' PltlPK ftno it ciL enpner. stove, vcnicic cnirance, litu.
Toatna. 400 down; 1250. FRANCIS, C.a Klnunirun. Sutherland em Biyie, eiccino ngnt. uanu jorrnia, -uo.
Tcrma anunged. D. WEBB and 8ON8, require a HOME, call upon the AUSTRALIAN BUILDING 10 Cartlereagh-street. dty. OEO.
THOMA8 and SON'. 12 CASTLttnEAflTT.RTRKCT T1TAV. l' LADY'S Gold-faced WRLSTLET WATCH, Victoria streets, or William-street tram, Mondav, between 0 and 10 p.m. E. YOUNG, Duff's Ion's Store, 00 Norton-street, Ashfleld.
BVAN iTivnr? ti. Ttwinn uv nir rw 4S4 rarramatta-mail, retprwiaro. JITAISEY'S Uvery Stables has for Sale, Cah or WANTED Purcliane, Leaac, or Partnenhlp, In S-VYT I KKWSPAPER, cool diatrirt. cuiei, worge-arreet. 00TTAGE, ball 5ft, 0 Unco prow.
I I Uttle W.B. COT- vvpcjiuiimj; Aerms, roaies, euiiaies, and every ne etriptlon of Vehicles. Red. 46S. EsUb.
3 Yra. OPPOSITE O.P.O., SYDNEY. ESTABLISHED 1B98. AT FHR RAUK annntfua vnn LEFT in 8.8 train, Monday, Kydney-Uotnebusli, BrOWn laeathflr Pliron.
mnblnlntr tnnninr ai.Ii BUSINESSES FOB, SALE 0E WANTED. cracker, egg boxes, etc, etc Excellent water supply. Breeding pens made up. THE PROPERTY la situated within 3 mile of-tbe railway station. Owing fib.
ertlinpi, elec. light, radiatorw. ery TAUE, lined with cmbotwel ateel, 8 large rooma, rV rmndah, 44 160, T.T. Aaptultud patha, laundry, all offloea. In flnt-clan order.
295. A Bar-ilSSO. Terma. gain. I).
W. WEBB and SONS. 434 Y'whAm H. BOYD. Boi mi.
(I IM VitDtiR OAR TURINOUT, Square Van Turnout 10: Villain Cart Tiirnont. Sullrr Truir. finder please mum to uu. tu. unique opportunity to eccure a WEI.T- G0RMLEY AND 82A PITTREETF; BUSINESSES ALL PRICES.
ALL DESCRIPTIONS. WANTED, 0 to once. Full D.B.A., c.o. tYHIUniSt PQ iii-iimuu uio owner. win at a very So.
1 Olebe-st, Glebe, off Bay -at. below Grace Bros. nguro lor quicx naie. uiie lorrera. j.wniwwiiwsn tiutati on exceptional tcrma, a uiissoid-rtreet Ashfleld.
OST In the city by a widow, woman, 10 and note -11. in all. In an imr.lnno U7.Mia. a1la. BAKERY AND PASTRYCOOK, DOING 4500 LOAVES MICE tray Sulky, new Harness, young Horse, 181 -A-l nice Rubber-tyred Snlkv Turnout.
20. apriETJ) FOITR Miyl. STATION. halL front and back verandah, aide and back en- and VERY LITTLE TRADE JUTER 0 r.L, 2691 A jpAHUAlri. I'JIIUK, 700.
N. P. HILLARY (oppostto Station), TeL, T78496. WENTWORTHYTIiLtC. TENDERS.
uttaub, trance, milky ahed, alt in aplendid order. 500. No. 1 01ebe-st Glebe, off Bav-at. below Orace Broa.
WKKlvijY, .15 in smalls, PROFITS ia TRIAL GIVEN. ExUblLdheU 20 yrs, situated prosperoua country town on Western line. Books open to inspection. Plant valued at 300. Stock H0TJSf.unih.'Ud.W?!? CONOREOATES TICE BAKER'S CABT TufeNOOfTiiT -w ni, a urge rooma, mi ami omoea.
Lomi W. WEBB and SONS, 434 ParramatU-roaV Peter-'Li28? lront atrcctn. Torrena. 14BA. aharn.
We can arrange terms for all miyera If required. iOUNTRY HOME AND FARM. J'S. wU1 ni reward ou return to RANK-LEIGH. D.
D. Ptk LOST from ILARI, 17 Tuseulum-trect, PotlipT, BUc5j-haired SHEEP DOG (puppy), buahy tail, red ribbon round irak: jtMuora Nia A SP'lLNUj-Prlc. for about 70 on Job. Carle. Walton-ercecent, tram term, AbbotafortL aaorT ulaa 0 weekly, TURNOUT.
10i ORDER OABT TURNOUT. 15. Within mile of Railway Station. NEW at valuation. run price, aouut 4W.
a and zsxr-K i'mjm Trm. No. 1 Glebe-st, Glebe, ba Bay -at, below Grace Bros. HOMESTEAD (W.B.), 7ft verandah all round, 4 large CON FECTIONERY AND MIXED, profits 5 to 30 DEPOSIT and 226 WEEK. Good reward.
TENDERS wanted. amaTI Job. J1LE DEALER'S VAN, new Harneea, young Horse, 12 lot: nice Sonars Van Turnout, lot 14. 1 rati, iihucii, iauinu-7, UXCU UIH anu Copper, bathroom, pantry, verandah room. LAND ACRES, take, ion 1 nrwxneo and pitt rtreet.
a. junction oi streets, big suburb, tram at door, soda showcases, Dayton scales, mirVora, tables, etc Beat Uttiugs, big stock, A No. 1 Olebe-st Glebe, off Bay-st, below Grace Broa. 7 rent 210, 5 -Lost Centrmi Tuesday Rolled Gold Watch, Chain, and Gold Pass, Ml, Western line and branches. 80S, Herald Offlce- ii acL-uin; icuiii lira UJVlUCU.
iae poSIT-IOD. acres under cultintinn. Alan mm.ik1i. franrM UIIT. aUUIU.
t. 'ik wiua ul' I Brick COTTAGE, in nice position, AoUIq. "ttrj' HTA' breakfart-court, anl offlcea. alate Wt, thd offloea, Und 60 150 ft. Torrena, 800.
POSIT. OTHERS. 5fi0. 565. aC57S.
aCBSO. aCflno. fmm LftlUK Drav Turnouts, nearlv now. a-o Mnh: Hmuanr imrited for REPAIRS Fo COTTAGE. AddIv UIm v.i u.
GROCERY AND MLTED. Uga. 35 all ahop bead of poultry, nearly all pullets, cow snd calf, buggy borse. and hamewL Unre Iron feed trhwi A. Van, from 8.
GLEBE SALEYARDS, 9 Glebe rent 1, take. trade, snug corner abop, elite railway, suburb, 8 nt.wnndih cn tw-o aidcu. Nice carden. BEWARD, 8, for Gold WRISTLET WATCH, Lost between 138 Orown-street (near William-irtreet)''. Phone, City 17M.
strm, og nay-street. stables, cow bail, corn-oracker, all garden tools, etc. a W. nORNINO and 181 PITT-SYR 15ET, RYAN, HOTEL BROKER." 8 porf rwms, rent h. inrougii natlonalTty vendor will in irani, iiieaaay evening.
cu wm-iawrKq ana oican atooJc at valuatlou. BBICKMAKEB (Sabdatock) wanted. J. O. Taylor, Moore-at.
114A Plttatreet, odd. d.P.O. ail lie a uncos, JTIUVO SvUla), OlMUAUlal 1U.UUM 11WKNTY Draught Colt and Fillies, also some good Work. Horses. Phllils.
Bourke-Phllllp sta. Waterloo blSVERAL EXt'EPTloNAljLY (TlKAP BrHaDLSU EXCEPTION ALT? WARD. THE RELIABLE AGENT. iiDENTiAirtupK: LOTS FOR IMMEDIATE HALE AT THE STRAYED from 167 WlllUmnTt, DarUngburst, small FOX-TEBRIER (bitch), with brown bead: reward. opposite RAILWAY STATION, HURIOTONE PARK.
"'l )I1VC, lUOUl at, i Ulf, FRUIT AND MIXED, proflU 3 changed bands TUFf'ALO TURF. Prici e. w.ntH FOLTWi0 PnrnEH; auania.u. P. HILLARY (opposite Station), U84Pfl.
WENTWORTHVILLE. furnlahed ,000 1.7.' fapOR Sale, Horse, suit light delivery cart or sulky, J- 0. Down, Grocer. Victoria-aT. Walton-creacant.
fmm Jua pETERSUAM, NEAR TRAM AND TRAIN. pennanent ia3Hi to WSEBAY, SfTTCHELL of the beat po- -HiLlZT J1- er7 rge ice enest, casn register, mfrrora, gas stove, big atock. Ill -health CARPENTER, build EermerMondayTtcitT.yertey, mall (oh. Annlv thlt Amv r-t i GOOD reliable IkUre, Square Van, Dealer's Turnout, new aire trial. 10.
10 Womerah.av. nht SOLIDLY-BUILT BRICK VnXA. alat mol. rnw, .3 iu per ioot. urriK ooooee.
mean side, shackel-ayenuk. r.uninetiinrcct. IHVUkn univi. rrr-1 STRAYED, Chestnut Ferny tieMIng, 13 bands, branded' near shoulder, white hind legs. Beward.
SKEDTON. Randwlck. 'Phone. 892- WALKINO STICK, bearing name W. A.
PufreaT PlMae return HARDY BROTHERS, Hrinte-atreet, "r-rv viunim, ncy. RESIDBNTIAL CHAMBERS, rooms, beautlfulry fw niahakil III Halt, allll-aa 1 tiled verandah. COACHHOirSE AND STABLES, five large rooma, kit, all mouem conrenlencea. Iron UloiAcrnt Viewe. 3 Lots, 3.
fit, 3 10a, and RETT It 11 hands Roan. Pony, cheap, 12, any' triaL Ti wanted, Hashes 20 811 and 30 rpoo oood to loss. A Corn, nt ilk .1 .11 at prcaent clear. 4 rent 46. ItoratKc lAfurv.
no. rucu- KBUIIAM. 81 E)lznbetbtrt nK. NEAR TRAM. From 83 to 55 per foot.
jqSW PERFEf Dm. rKKr it(7r EATHEB Tin TfONY Van Turnout, any trial, 11 lot, cheap. 08 OHl'KK. ILK RUN, latPORTANT BAILiTAYTiIlillTliir-7 i are easily per ixuu peiow oroinary Hut mtllr DQ Iiuijad, Motor Inner Tube, city. Owner callAt Davis, Machine-room.
QORMLEY md sal "itfSgir etynie-etcity, on ACIUFICE, Tipdray, Timber Dray. Timber Jlnier, QUOTATIONS for the Supply and DeUvety of Chair Reata wfll rr(mA ooA Appiy DEVBIGH and Ifl HUNTER STREET. Pet 00. 430A Pairamattiroad, Petersham, oucp.
iMv nourxe-st. on uztorot. rjurry tlilla. EWBACENCY and FANCY GOODS, (WW papers. TUESDAY NEXT, the Jf7th Instantl Tender forma.
J710UND in tram to Mllaon'a Point, PURSE, contain-' a- ing money, Jewellery, etc. Owner can have same by describing and paying ,7 rrTlJS COOGEE. New D.F. Cottage, brick HORSE, good worker, moat reliable, ault any 7. 18 Marion-st.
Lelcbhardt. with w.ri-Ji- i mne, ncaviiy stocxed stone, state roof. ige. office, el. OASTLEREAOHOT.
jf Maa! 8 veam. 'Phone, fat, urn. UKOOUCR. Wnnn. rrr'rr- iW bus- JJA1VERN BILK KxflCUtlVA WHWITMH.
ow.iji, ai ciiM rtetn -street. Mgat ana raniators, gas siove ann ooiier, venicio entrance, flnft of verandah. ToTrens. 825. terms.
A SALE, -2 h. Pony MARE, fast, must sell. No dealer SM Br, John's-rd. Forest Lodare. Stores Supply Committee.
aplendid land, and well watered, 8 acrea dtrua and ppl; treea, 3 to 8 yeant old. 800 young paarion inea, another acrea cleared, gradnf and Umber land, llomntead o( 6 rooma, with furniture, hath, out. atable, c.h., laiKO packlng-ahed, poultry runa, incubator, brooder, 2 home, dray, tprln, cart fulky, with harneaa for each, bamnra, cultivator: cbaff-cutter, 60 poultry, and all other thinge about the place aa a going concern. Torrena, 800. If you want a good farm, where you can BE SITRB OP ABUNDANT RETURNo for yoir labour, with a ratntall of Incbca, you have never bad better chance in your life.
I aay again it ia too good to mlaa. i-V. P. KAT, A New Mort Attractively Designed Brick 5 good rooms, kitchen, artistic PKNnosK, itsndwicK. ire years, low rent Nice dwelling, a horsca.
i 4 STRONG iumlture Van, Horae, Feed box. Tarpaulin, no reamnahlfl nff.p nr. MM Home, fl 1 afire rooms. mitbt on a nice Mock 50 130. Price ().
clTjeek. caTh 'r7glrri' stock, 9ri Kfuniuu 1EB r0UNn.Cheatn.1t Draught Gelding, like half IIT nr. shoulder, blaee face. MASCOT GELDING, star" near bind foot, 'whito near shoulder mark over BAY OaXDINd, bald face, three white fetlocks, near shoulder. JO over Y.
offices, vehicle entrance. Isnre niece around. ARRANGED. Only 6 minutes from ciose in rram. ann odd.
rarit. 4:1 lau. vroyaon uuuon. TtJU-w Pony Van, light and strong, cheap. Dwyer, -1 Cbachbuilder, Mascot.
'Phone, 40. I VA1KI, 0 lease, 11 acrea land. 10 cowa. MF. Pttxevanhan n.i.
and T. PENROSE, FrenchmsnVroad. Randwlck. 1029. ICTPAIi OOtmCTL OF TBNTKBnELD.
IT average muk aold daily 00 gallona, ateam plant etn. A Banraln. rut STANTON and SON, Summer THIT: ONIH. 8 MIN. P.O., TRAM, AND SHOPS- nouhlff.front Cottatre.
on, of tha wiU.hn1. nM. HALE, Pony Van and Van, good, cheap, quick sale. SYDNEY Black 1IOBSK. brands (reyeraedt oyir a.
Kri PHOT CONrWlONER. bcrt at JfVS tlwelUni, "ear nrt SL.1". wrl1- In Plant aicWtock ta. LENNON and cowl I0TELS HOTHa VOTTAflR nienuva I fubloned sort, on hisrh aide of atreet. facM th mom.
fjM)B Sale, Oorered Cart and Harness, no further eWj SALE, TUB "DAT." at NOON. Flea-bitten Qrey GKlJlIKn. Kr.nJ lit. TENDERS are fnvltert frr tm. Burwonri 'Aw ing sun, brirk on stone, tile roof.
6 nice rooms, kit- use, take reaaonabl. offer. 7 Elttuun-rt. Lewiaham. IIH'I'aVllW'niiritura OO i BRICK HOTEL, TAKlNflfl fan Cpletlon of Electric Light including' Oas I.
near ahoulder. i75, Chiitswood 765. cncn offices. Gas stove, -perfect order. Und, 1, Cheap (lottagea at Five Dock 450, Leleh- al vJeJ5 rUEAr PARM, 88 acrea.
SSOKoicThena, ciUm orchard, CotUge, borae, cart, dray. ftgnatora, plough, etc Price 526, dep. a. AUSTRALIAN LAND and AOESOV CO "a pitlt rrftK5f. HANDSOME Roan Gelding for yan or 11 Darlingst, Glebe.
KKST. TOOT UOENSEE, WHO HAS RECENTLY mu. vaao, jiioeman: cotugea Irom 30 deposit. uu. "Vy "1 rmiit nXJA Jvr.
ini.titiJt7iB.if 'jtj A( rpwo laeful light Van or Breadcart Uoraes, 4 years. THE CHEAPEST TI8CELAHE0TJ'g. TENDERS CLOSE AUGUST 7th, m.iiv run Vltll.IV HOTEL EVER OFFERED. triala. B.
Challenger, Parramatta-rd. Vr DESSAIX and PLNDER, strathncld. KrrDoMS n- tlOB8ale. Uceed Brougham Oab, cheap. No.
OOD FIREWOOD may be had Immed. for tie Oari tage. rear of IB Oxfnni-at. ParidtmFfM. UllCUal, II LCD era anop, 4 bricked-in coppeiW pig runs, cemented doors, pedigree boar, 8 sows.
Make flrat-claaa stud pig and Burton-st, Glebe. ABHFTELD. 725. DEPOSIT H. 42 WEEK.
on tne deposit of One tJuinea, which wm "'ld -tTUR dale, i No liar Van. In awiH Antaw. aPJ! ik HOTEL, HEART OF CITY, where you wilt at once loing will not make, the allghtert difference. A nice corner building, Juat renovated throughout, 700. and trifllna- loan 7 vm mx ulaaa-UUfl umuflf.
A New Brick Cottage, on high convenient iTpOIJ tSPIRltTjATTIIOiroHTCENTBE, 2nd tkror': XJ LO.O.l. Temple, 140 Bllaabetht, dty. Thurs-' A Krsklneyille-rd. Ersklneyille. AUSTRALIAN LAND and AGENCY OO.litt Pitt- E.
SPARES, MO--Reautifiil BOMB, tine viewn, overlooking Harbour, brick on alone, 5 rooms, kit-aliuodrr, nantrj-, and bath. Und 33 lit. Wide wJiK. toW mln8-o-; wide hall. New Cottage, bathroom specially Au anWied CotUge in every dcUtl.
Tor- 210. fOR Bale, Dealer's Cart, In good order" MIXED FARM, 225 40 miles Sydney, ileep fresh water river fronUa-p. house. 11 nvimi atahloa m.
"ml, Low Rent. There position, 0 rooma ana wiue naeK verandaa bandy to station, STANTON' and SQy. Snrftmer Hfn. June dul, int. Town AT LEjQH HOUSE, ClastleresgVst, Itrs.
vTEEKS, Spiritualist: also Uon. and jinruwwiaie, on rjooin4t. age, 0 cemented balls, dairy, large farming plant, grows JIOtt sale, Dealer'a Turnout, Bulky Turnout, Grocer's bandaom.Jnop antf aaloon, gooodweiufr rt ndek only 875. Qwp utrqfmS JJKStDESTIAL J-LA1B I jjj I BEIMIllTINO BOOiB uTPlahed OAK, and Very mn LONO RENTwJRlc'S, S28. CV UUBUCia lllaUN Mf MIC IM1 lUUSniaJ Wil.
fflCO MimRELL and 70 Pltt-alrect. Room 21. let floor UKK and rVl it I TNVTWTMENT, A8HFTELD. Vra'AiUIEN. icsaw, terma.
AUSTRALIAN LAND and AGENCY 33 Pltt-at tOR Sale, rallabl. Horse, 8ulky, and Harness, any AT am. DUNLOP. Spiritual Sunday, 7Tb, Toes, and 8 p.m. 14 Cily-rd.
opp. Grsce'a. 1 SPIRITUAL MEETING, ereS' Wednesday. 780. Jfr gtepheraon.
1W Bridge-rd, Glebe. JyiusioiPAurV 6f UANDWICE trial 'and guarantee. Biaana. BatMH. Lfunmuiii-.
r. a rooms eio. um, saw, uome TENDERA an. Inyl.1 lXTKKr Jimw INTEREST, NO I ately and uiapect. TpOB Sale, young sound Horse, suit Tan Or baker's HERE IS A BARGAIN.
Stocked Poultry Farm, 80 miles from Sydney, 3) miles Station, good road, v. 16S Pm-STREET, NEXT QPO- HOTEL BROKER. ESTABLISHED im. HOTELS FOB TWN AND COUNTSY, At Pcjcca fJonjideraMr Reduced to keat AUerai Condi tiona. Cheap CotUge.
590. Tourirt and Letting "Ageute. 00 MOORE-STIIEITP BTrXDIKO MATERIALS. inSEifTv.10"1 mll Liverpool or SUMMER mLI mlna. tram.
Sw7im8.S'K'.Jorrt,u CITY WATRH 8.F. Bra. t- iffLik Si 0,1 THE ESTATE. Within lit. Pet.
A. D. MILLA MILLAR, C-PORTlsCTnULKY, perfect order, ault 14-band pony. Morehead-st, Redfern. McTho" Jowi H.U during PETERSHAM.
10 acrea dero. rich soil, srrow lucerne. What mnr WnROtrR pi- A wriSTTO iVl flnt-clai ao you rcquiroT uraM ana aiitlvauon naddocka. xor aew niuatrated CatalmnuL wr 0w Jiiuairaiea iauioi t'SciW TWULWIC1T HILL, eloa to tr. and tr.
fl-rm. TtV aLENUlNE 4-yeaj old Pony, pacer, 14 handa, 610. VX 24 Young-at. Redfern. Wire-netted, fruit treea, water laid on.
Comfortable PERC1VAL, BROWN and FiNNEV, Limited, rviTti aiuu xairxiltaa, a-' Ilk. lawns front and back, lovely elevated a "b6iw; Cheanlv Several Pu.rv tahnu riv. trial ffione, Redfern flOi, Wynrlham-atreet Aleaandria. Town Clerk. TRETTY U-hand Pony Sulllon, mane and tall, milage, twmn, uicuen, etc, siaDie, an con, uicu-bator-room.
fowlhouaea and netted nm avi hA Town Halt, Randwlck. Refreahment Rooma. in aplendid noiltion. and pos. A Gift at WM.
Hurlstone right at the stn, Bk. Cott, 4 con lovely block land, ab- rwnme name, 20. Maisey's, Bed. 400. Dcralrl Branch, Klng-treet OSSCTRTr.
HABERDASHERY, UI.W. SSly two 1 HI 1 A JPlendld opportunity for RrjTKRS OF show yoo vrltw on every order. Beat oueiity naltlo rimrlM. -8- Janaun. builder.
8uterlarul poultry, best strain, together with all furniture, farm Implements, and tools bicluded. Come and aee me. First to inspect will buy. Price, 800, and only ajiun. or a viiuge uart Turnouta, rr.
truu. Square tod Compass, 700 George-eL Haymarket. oantrr I rVreJ "lutely beat poa. In II. P.
(liven awar at can. IWI Ulb, na io. den. en. baY rent: CPPa Wardell-rd Baflgay Stn.
'Ph. Put. 051. I HEOEIITV and T- uuiuoiu. All par Uculare may ba obtained from PUlEart.LbjJ,'f air.
LBWia, 49B Oeonre rtreet. ORDER Cart from Baker's Cart'Tum-ont. 12. Souare Snd Corneas. 708 Geonre-st.
.1 TTL-BLSTONE PARK. A BARdAlN. Mur-crt. ucean Jiouwc, MooiatMvi i 1. "WWII jovxiar.
CELL, Leae aa going concern, thorough "iUOTATIONa invitJ5fT TAYLER, 118 Pitt-street, Stock Exclungc(take lift). PTUUtEE Hooded Sodablca, carry 8, ault from SBfkTi.V-T.mic. of n-YCTVn b-fr-TfeSar a Doil'ila-frotlted Brick OOTTAOE, contain, nice attntt thT ldL8 S'W1 a b-k-laat-room. kitchen reJm. kli f.
"7 ah. Oood 160 Tona METAL or 8T0.N Weatberboards. Oregon, Hotddtnga, JJIedwood. etc. at tha CHEAPEST PRIDES IN SYDNEY.
Prompt Delivery and Satisfaction Criuimatesd, VANDERFIEI.D and RRTD. TIMBER MERCHANTS, i llchhardt-strost. Glebe Point" -Phones, Yard, Sawmill, amt Wharf. -i fwod.reridence, no loodwlll FARM- close to WENTWORTH. VILLE and MKRRV LANDS RAILWAY STATION irutrgy.
tiw. nrs tMorge-ST, Marmsraet. TSJEW Varnished Tray Bulky, Uyiiah, Sai tlniah, li. TTi. "i.1--"" owner eni gauge, to Uixon-street, city.
js Qeom-etmt u7 rickviile, 12 o'clock. 'Cniai PocHmrS-TV Dunineaa at MHnrban, beat poaitlou, corner aite, new Cottage, 4 IHi'' Sr'u" "d- "op, nccea. tooUt, eoiilpmL, aplendid chance to good man. V. Walmley, Ourimbahl "a each.
Tnrrn. ti.i. oiock OI lanu. wu.i victoria SEE TinS AT ONCE. cneap.
ohsa uwnre4s. opposite rioraems n. tv.Mcn fo im pitt.rtreet. for BlaTtlwncI Tiling, labour and materials. na.h..J..S "i i.
PERBRACUE and at oration, flurlaton. Park. Confectionery ami Suburban Shoe TiJZi j.itwit ni'statta, in full awing, for Hale. Any triaZ -Several Hn. ni l.
TiCNY Van Turnout, good Pony, and 23 A7 riieap, Q83A George-st, opposite Horderns. 1. a i back iSSJL' YONEY acrea, lorrens, well fenced and subdivided, BEAUTI. UL large Cottage, with all modem conrentr-nccs. verandahs back and, TELEPHONE CONNECTKIJ Incubator-room, 'incubators, outhouses, etc, Watef laid on.
12 large poultry runs and house, 2 acrea oultf-vatlon, qiuuUty of fruit trees, 460 HEAD OF CHOICE NEW D.P. BRICK OOTTAOR. "HOSPITAL. Srisky, 16; any trial M. TT)WTTI IJJ alate roof, 0 rooma, all tiled and 115 DarlTnihuntt road.
Mr. Rohlr. TENDERS am ttivttMt tha. a' v-m osiiA ueorge-sb opponie iioro-rna. moat up.ttKlete aulonn t.
u.Jl radiator, land bfflt for tonKlre-ino. rjUBJ)ER--ftJien fenders prov. mjcrWut, A- Bourne for 8andbyrail, reaa. rates, Mueot 164 aWNTRACTORa If you reoniretlnk wire Window Gnards or any other Und of Wirnrork. cadi -est -the eneapeat plaoa In Sydney for It, BASTWAY BROTHERS.
XXi.X I VOL jciu od the nrlce ol anl CTS lathroom, e. rtove, electrlo llabt ano Sjf1 "re Iti. Trom iSl 'Zh. ana "pIDED' Waggon, strong, "srjlt" country roadi. rj K(jvii, a-iuiiai, aui vwwus luiin, ana only aauu.
and natha iV Brake. 14. chn. KtSA George-tt opp. Hordems.
EESIDENT1AU). blfSlS'ESina. LAROE LIST to aelect from. Biiycra financed at 10 per cent. Small dep.
taken: J. Ellia, ln Kuig.t, vnr.itDnDrroarrjn" ann Ann miaiuiai novpuai. (11X1. KIEL. 0.
RamaarBtreeL Haberfleld U. UULIjBDGB, HULBEBT, Somerset Home. Mooistreet. city. aSitV' IrZy- "ON-r lusa this "VteariY New Hingl'e I.orry, with pole, shafts, screw brake.
14, chn, SSftA Geonre-st, 'opp. Hordem)'. 'Phone, UllBi. at O'Oonnortreet tram atop. tlllUIT and Ureengrocery, nuay .1, Amng ttrcrieury.
AR RK'KVLLLK. Brick S.ALV, Oorr. and Plain Iron, all leturtfaa and ninres. VJT at lowest ratea. Cement and Plaster tost landed- 'kit.
CotUge, 8 1 rooms. Invited for ROYS' ORPIIANAnETfoTtEe fJWTDOS, Briek COTTAOTt. I hatbroon-t pantry, large yard, near tram JtT7n beat dty aund. Tha RawtOT Halrdreulng Saloon. oVn.
Lyri T710R SALE, GROCERY and Fruit Bualneaa, alao Houm A-1 full of Furniture. Owner leaving Slit. "(tood bualneaa. an Fnva.iiY.rtpe.t. Hum uIli.
WM flXED FARM, DAIRY, PIGS, AND POULTRY. 88 AU. miles from Rj-dney. S4 ACRES, fenced, 7 paddocks, 16 ao. been cultivated, plenty of water, BUN- SECOND-HAND Cream Waggon, perfect order, ault ctry.
work 18. Inspect. Opp. Hard. "KEARLY New lirmture Waggon, in use only few -Ll months, sell cheap.
George-st odd. Hord. na au conven encru m. "'I momi i mu wain, pni'e ooran 0 per cent. stJwi.
mm. a per CCDV. wiiw, 'yn. nc, rouery. u.
JS. tJKAHK and 8QN8. t7 Xt-SiPi tttreet, cfrcolar Ouay. Tenders CLOSE JULY Plana, etc, at th. offlcea of sic1 ia.
iU farm 700. wajwvt, rooms, ut.f 'oatnroom, wide shed, fowl runs, all farm implements, AROB quanUly-Coloured Marble, XA 24 Qroae-st, Glebe, tiesr Grace le. uajnaged, cheap, j. w. uiajj Architect, "-aJ, jircnttetrt, min -Ulmn.
TBS aUrrVckvine? T.Td3 torn a BrSS a per cent. week'v Pyroema, xi, street Teleplwne, 543 Pet OwneY, 84 Surrey-street Elizabeth-street, cltyt and 1'arramatta. aADDLEItY BUSINESS, 20: wal! PlCfC e'Dealers1 Turnouta, from 10; week's triaL Hmiare and Oempaaa. 700 Gconnvst Harmarket ODOINp-notw dty oooklng tbe.rk 7etal AJ poeltlon, abt to rt. cj7.
Irii a. pas up.iv "-ae only are invited for a COTTAfiK t. k. ONE Hundred Loads of Broken Freestone. gt tor con-Crete.
1. R. Wat win. and Son. Thl.
A. E. MtRnELIv Farms rUlesman. 78 Pltt-strect 41KI1UAR Btn.riivo ro 'DONDI. Pair Brick CotUgea, each 10 -t Snap.
875. John Oreen, Bondl Ji from 10. Htiuare and Ootri- nouta, fr imouta. advertin a freih Perm dailr. vn.
mm. 70S Georet Haymarket below Horiteriai. OW te-nrerlfr Oetnetery, Feder Hotel. Penrith. Full CT wTi rE1jr' Roaldential, ahop'arrf rom- VVAVKrtl.m-.-D.F.
8 conrTTST, NCKJ. Snap. 400. J. 'flreen.
BondlJ. rtTCKTlri'VHqmw Van lSrrnoafa, fr: ttlO't week's trial! AT fViuare and Compass. 700 Georve-st. llavwrkiTt. i 'i.
"y.raU anywhere. A. Brad. 4 rooma, orchard, one acre. 14 acre.
In. THE PRuPIIIKTOn. r.wm-nt, Tiawvioo. fjENDERS lor Erection rlctureTheatrc, wood and iron. StoA." plant' mYn.
oerne, well eatabllalied, 8 patldocka. wlre-nettnl. am rMANt to Bell, good Bprlngvan, yKu" faoite, and OLATEB, Ertlmate. Slating, 11 uueinrta ror Bale, encap, full ia 2H). oimu.
Ilouae, 0 adjolnln, 1M- Bondi ictV T7MSH arid CHIPS mrmvirM "M.D, umj u. mwrn aumoay, dun. 20. between 10 and and I dally., 67 ffrafalgar-atreet.
Btanmore. cheap. AM Hendereoti.rd. Altnouidrla. acrea under crop given In, good water aunpty.
9 acre. Quote M17. RIEDLE, ILLIDOE, ami CO 100 tt MreeL mi. VeaT w- corner ahop, low rent. 104 Redlcrn-strcet.
Redfern. Willougliby, New l-room brick Cottage, 580. V0 Bmwers and era. Do yog tyonrre Blue Metal. Bnv aixe.
at loweat nrleaf T.1K VAX a rears, suit any Kind work, 0. Brighton, Rtrarhan-tt South Kensington. noATOBn. 88 riir.B ikks given to cure Smoky Chlmnlai; no our. no charge; reference, city architects.
dnetoM. asT. aa ui- Kennlnirton. Builder's Rlocka. larsre rrnntum.
WAR on the way to the front. 00 0-roomed C'ottaee. n.rm.n... alENUINE MIXED tTtjTOriflfrKrjaTrr VLlr jny Wal. dwelling.
ownT. 1-7 linirlon.ri.d "r- nil. m.ll BAYT.EY, Pat.ntee. fmdon Houae. Lswreiiea-at.
Ales. IrOR pretty hoodedPbaeton, almost new, cont 00, take 2310. Oarirbah, Lncaa-rd, woocf Mwrra. a i wynraro stlsarra. rrrqney.
new DAVID MfRRAY, 18 Cjatlereagh-street. TV. 8406 flppur trntrat otore. cant v.t..M.j n-rro, Apply all eonvenlencea. Beat dl.trlct, 2009 fruit treea.
and bMri. IN. Ilalf TJOSK BAY. handy lo Dover-road Tram. Det.
Brick uuiuun Business, one man ahop, last wcek4 A- budles. 23 aheen. leau TO PLASTERERS. Tender for OemeMIng Parapita. I labour only.
New Sbtrpa, Amy nd RPXWMMranpn TT-OR Sale, COW and CALF, good milker. Apply Q. A- Love, Jeraey, Coneord-rd, West Concord. apierat ci lettinv nmnMit m. m.
dIg. IfPtww, Goford OOSFORD, 5-6. nARinsnd'" 1M or offer, F. 31 Fn.nHln-.t:'oieh. SEDOWIOK.
2M rtmfl (v, nn 1 JH1 PORTLAND IJfUUB rJSANn 1 or CKUKNT. garden l.iid out ffan, crater, and sewerage connected! Torrens Title. W. CRANE, 24 Moore.itreet TENDERSlo'sifh. Renovating Cottage.
nWuTii-ment. WOnd Work, gklAU. FARMS, O'raiARMreUtWYRUNS; WANTED, Pole Waggon, sultahle for cry. 2000 bricks, new or seobnd-hand. J.
Peck, tnd-av, Campale. riMNTED, light, attong Bq. Van, UuTphy Vainnafa aUUCEitY IMm for malTranriSnTTun Hon, well atooked, good reaidanoe. ai 75 Jlarrlokrille-road, Marrtekrlile.
thta- ThoTby, Btilldlnaj Inspector. 82 l.i&h..; L0NGUF.VILLE. Almost-new 4-rmd. W.B. land 180 176 and 1, 800, cash or terms.
Keva Ht. Elmo. 6 mln. Loncuevilla Tram (As BujrpUed to JKAW. Government.) TEW non-Ktoxlcallng Drink "Shop.
gd. trade, isnre A prof. After 8 p.m.. 8 AlJilS1 A. K.
1IURRKLL, Perm Balenan, bit Floor, Pltl-Mreet. iron, or Br eg Hew lob. Helena-st. Randwlck. off AinoTi Term.
k. tojilis. Honnwooo. WANTED, active DRAlJCUlf souno. Anona, Mit- chell'st St Leonard.
Drinks, etc, les7lher.w OTJABAWTfOn) TO PASS ALL GOVERNMENT TrSTg. 88 Tons Clean Sand, dellyereTKy KENSINGTON. For flaTe7D. F. Brtck 4-roomcd' Cot-tage, tiled, 10 per cent.
Investment HOUSES. LAST). PAUMQ vinrviw Cheat, rooma, every convenience. i ueraia ror urainitrg 2 new shops. Amy and WAITED to Buy, SOW, in young.
Full particular-, T.e Ramble. Regent st. Regent Park. Humtvllla. WAJV near eaTvlng.
Pull particulars, The Rambles. t-u ii A I-'- let, tnt Slfc pric. J5. 8 Crown st. run.
tocriflce. Cavatmgh, wa Ca.tlor.agh.rt, opp. 'DRESSER, T0B brarnrafcrNSvd well tilted, doing goSd Cr "Hrr.ghToS FcvL" Y.pwtvisiiED and aobtrriw. frr JS, within lid aec. O.
l. iCj 6r5DTIOf "and vniuuMe, anertfc TENDERS 'wanted fcr Fencing. AppTT Jnh Csmra-svenue. VanclnMt. V.
D. T. Rown, I.KI. tl u- rr-r: 1 Slf-. W.rertu RlirwiM n-raml" Aaui'S Tpn'E ROOMED W.B., City Cottage for Bale, for 7080.
2. bringing In 18 pet cent I fknS F.TbTrrV'(ILT TRIlrfTKESlUP, TfeTald Olftce. 'Unsw. hveakfafct-room. iSniR mm.
Aubnrri.irrw:!. txtTh u.di.ijv-- iiumTiin, W. uottag I 4 Iproflls, milt eneni. penon. 10 tit*adu llawra.VKcV rma.
r. Ward. IM TjrrfCl BTJ J3TNQ rjMR OP BEST OJAUTY. ton OOMMONWEAI.Tn CEMENT COMPANY, UMITED, oom, ar h4 wain OMjr ttM, City U97. i 'orkH Portland, S.S.
WANTKU, Horse, 1 handaTforT b. wlthlriaT 4 Burtons, WL mROTTTNO MKNArfD BRCTnEH-7-Wantcfi fr chaae. Maiden TrtTttPr. trial ja wanted for Belralra to cow Painting. Cook, Pmattaj'iy JS? i "f'11 V' Vegctaole, ami Confection: -a rry, simp snd dwellimr.
rent ai. o. IA tmw wV.1 no srrnts. Owner. Irlte Iwipectloo, D'hum RvH.
1, JIl A t01 IlurttoneT-aTCTaifri buyer Brick Cottage, I or 4 eta, no fancy prieea. Pull partlcuura to Mercer. DuiwlVh mn 1 "wig. la HOrSE and Rerldrntlal Agenrr, rttyTrwneTiiii N.Z.. will take and TOIrttllY OKFICETTSisehelT-itr 1 smd.
flr kImh n- nir. su trfi- riir.iii.ww tor inranrng hiectnc Light. Aunl. on A Job. AhlKjtstord.rd.
ppl'. mlna. station. Ztf Horaea and Oowa bought higfi. A-' et prirea given.
Tiimeth Broa. it? 1SS wk. mop front office, fnlly cniilpnerl. Tw lleeaM lJESlnETlAI. 0 roomm welrthd-rTewT? il SZ.
dA.h.,d,"p 4WrECTIO(BRY, rkrinarTlcCriSiW Bell, illneas. 22 Ballon. Hearl. .17 PH. TFD Hotw, and Crt.
int snrwhrre. nnrfl." iS TKSTimS tor Shops, "RWellliTgf, at (iampaW pGS, nclyn, Arcadla-at, bet. Arden-HIII sU. rwie TEliDKIlfTbTErectlon of ftrlcaTWall. aim pUuK: O.
w. Bandlea, 12 Fllnbeti ftENiiERS mntorT-iumblnp, lanonr'anrKiT Tot l.hnur only, new lit. rt.ri....... inn wurrm-ruwi, ciiy, "X' Station. New COT-V- TAGE, rrmind MO 88, 8 rooms, kit, all eon- reii I enren.
MjBegent-strer rARRIcTM.B. 8larre room-, kit-ii chen, offices, I. and p. lined, 4 tntns. tram or train.
Price nq1 50 deposit 88 Klng-at, Newtown, Afn ALli P. r. Brick" COTT A nK. fi kit, all conva. Applr A.
G.P.O. fiNOlTnK-Block oTTiwCloripTfT, tTer T3RIOK or W.B. ctirrAiTrT, ramp ete. RiCTfl. fr.lrSS'J!"1 inVuSr Terra.
near RaliVy, rent only 18, n. anao. 40. tma. TtaMoe.
37 j5nd WESTLEY, 409 New Cantcrbury-rd, DnlwTc'h iitll. or SO Ht.nn,A CHEKTfiATjj RESIDENTIAL AND BOARDLNG.R0U8E7 WWuKrfcllmt. 5'iMrlajind 17 Bridge-eL 1 Wf PTbTfS let Tiie rpo "rlSS-Tmdrr. w.ntod A W.ttW.
HahernVwl till liaturdsy. to H.nieleld.street. hoealle. Vrl-r, cilia. T.mi"",:'"- pIckrioOOTCSvM-JC.
nearest offer. A. B. P.O., Mnsman. ai a.
rent 178. BeantJInllr Pnrnl.hed, 4 bed', room Suites, eyreHent harbour ylewa. "ei(n, thro, death of at 17 BAK1NO Bualnn. for Sale, Tr all ra.b trade. Yeart.
Crown trn' P.lna la tl JM? Wealern mihufna Ooilagea, near train or tram. Laiiot 40 120, Aff'each(" 8 JlrZL kSdred'cS re. from Iferwrrr. ftaabllshed trnwsrrls rial iniarda if 5 imn or nave Krerted, W.C.. eomnly.
l.isr rerniliTOenta Act, Great North-rd, rrnTKii Price, nartlcnlara, Towner. 10 BrrwerndeA. B-tlOIOlTS 41HTAiracirmwpa hrormllaujly. SiilubU aa Imeatment. J-.
10a dcniB, UL tU mmlh. HOP, at Lakrniha, ault boot retmirer. a1 IDWLU I wa, juti Xauu Ageata, arranged. ALSTON, SEARL, Sole Agt. 87 aTlHrtOKRY, MIIF.D, 2 to 30 rwme ndY J-T, aa, tin any trial, aUOO.
Balaton, 7 WUdV ra.2iT' -Ur4 CrjtortlM Orar 100 BWy, Nr.Wat.'BS'j'uS; Pi? JOZZnj f'WNlNorStSitiet 101 MiOwf. 0B mk i 'tns. -ir.