Albany Democrat-Herald from Albany, Oregon (2024)

page 24, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 1975 Hlbamj taocrat-ffcralD ftMl Hornet Nuriryjtoeijupplli 500 805 TV, Radio and Stereo S45 iMitcellaneout for Sale MMujIciI Instruments 170 Mobile Homes 5JW Mobile Hornet Other Livestock 710Untiquet MOBILE home (or tale, will finance, OLD overstuffed blue velvet sofa, Phone 928-9X19. ill 60, two bedroom. Call S2S-229D or i a run iwu wiui niw black and whits portable, all excellent 92M789. condition.

Phone miX or mtru, il I TWO BEDROOM, IV Uthi MMrt utility room, cathedra ccOlni, with tlpit, Immaculate priced right $5750. Corner Home, 651 NE Seavy Rd CorvallU, 752-9671. LARGE young male goat good (or herd, tree to right borne. 258 5504, after 6p.m. WEANER PIGS.

$28. Wormed, castrated, shots. Call 369-2770, Halsey. 12x55 BILTMORE, one bedroom, appliances, dishwasher, washer, 40 foot deck and awning, A-l, rented private lot, two miles east of Corvallis, $3795, offer. Take mlnl-plck-up In trade.

928-7257. 1969 12x60 TAMARACK, $4000. You AnilWUb (mill. 1 1 'miscellaneous Items. Call 92M86 move or ooiilble country TV ANTENNAS NYLON rugs approximately ysrds green.

It yard! oiMvhll. Call m-mt. REMOVE spots and residua left behind Irom other cleaners. Rent new RINSE N-VAC steam cleaner at Coast to Coast, 1700S. Hill, Albany, 926-lMt, SMITH CORONA eiecWclypewTliw, like new, 1150.

One brand new Datsun B-210 lire, $20. Electro-phonic console caretakershlp. 491-3730, (or Bicycles-Toys ,15 appointment. For all channels, $4.98 and up. Midway TV and Appliance, 1700 E.

Pacific MUST SELL: Thomas electric organ. as keyboard, 00. Call W-SIS. ONE WEEK eld Holton sterling sliver trombone, new price, 1600, asking t5op. Call Paul al fowl, oeajer.

This Week's Special Used student drum set, complete, $97 J7. For Information on percussion Instruments or accessories caU Paul, Tucker Music Center. t17M. SPINET Wurlltier piano, with bench, very good condition, $450 Call 715 Poultry and Rabbits SEARS FREE Spirit ten speed 10 44 HOUSE TRAILER, (urnlihed, rl bicycle JIM. Call 926-1732.

EXOTIC chickens, rabbits, ducss. wire cages; oak table, mirror. Call stereo, like new. $300. Phone 92M764 ONION sets, 74 cents pound; lasparagui roots, 10 cents each, 'raspberries, 40 cents; strawberries, 11 cents each.

Garden seed. Pal ft Jake's plantation, WW7H. COW MANURE, two Urn lit; three 117.50. Any amount, anywhere. Art Brandt.

JeHenwn, 327-276L GRAPEAmerlcan "labia, and win grapes. All types o( bearing age berry plants, flew: Benton Strawberry. Write lor cataloi Bowers Berry Nursery, Junction City, OR 17441. Or visit Nursery between Harrlsburg and Junction City. No Sunday calls please BUY YOUR garden seeds early.

Onion sets, 75 cents a pound. Bulk garden peas, 95 cents to 11.25 a pound. Beat bulk pack. Seeds In good supply now. Albers Feed and Farm Supply 503 W.

First, 121-7341. 24x44 Two bedroom, corpeted, dlah-wosher, garbage disposal, all electric, storm windows, no-frost refrigerator. Plus many more extra I 1 DELIVERED AND SET UP Albany. Guaranteed used color TV's ALBANY TV SALES AND SERVICE all electric, two bedrooms, complete bath, center kitchen. Must sell to settle estate, under $2,000.

Price negotiable. Beit o((er takes. For (urther Information or for directions to see: Drive a Little Save a Lot Signature and Skyline homes at Sensible prices super service HOLIDAY MOBILE HOMES Hwy 34 between Albany and Corvallis -Open 7 days -926-5561 926-8994. alters p.m. 1974 GENERAL Electric ran Be excellent condition, white, $150.

1 12 3, 5, 10 Speed Bikes BIKE 'n HIKE 118 W. 1st 928-2143. Baby chicks. Monday and Thursdays. oval rug, gold and brown, $25.

Call 126- jenss natcnery. une mue souin oi Call Albany, 926-4907, daytime or Corvallis. 752-4762, after 5 p.m. 9056, between 6 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Tangent. Phone 928-8928 734 W. Queen 928-5853 MUST sell new 20 volum 72J encyclopedias, ten volumes Science, JVC AM FM stereo with speakers. Parts and Repairs Farm Ranch Equipment 825 livestock Supplies two one cook book, one also record table, $150. Call 928-1876.

book case, $575 or best offer. Phone 028-9678. 125 HbWAKD for any watch I can't MODEL-B John Deere tractor; John Deere 14 baler with engine. 1962 three-quarter ton Ford pick-up 25s-4817 after 6 p.m. USED Color TV's ALBANY MOBILE HOME SERVICES CO.

Complete service and accessories Phone 752-9059. USED PIANOS AND ORGANS From $165.00 TALLMAN'S Bl-Mart Shopping Center-928-2900 FHA FINANCING FOR MOBILE HOMES FACT as low as 5 down FACT 24 hour credit approval FACT delivery of home in seven days fix George i Watch Repair. 660 Main Lebanon. 1-258 2769. 885 Sporting Goods FOR TREATMENT of scours use new Franklin Scour Paste.

Easily given with premeasured syringe. Ervln's Drugs, Santiam at PacKic. HORSE trailer, tandem axle (or three horses, electric brakes, SHOO Call 926-1470 SHREDDED CEDAR bark, delivered within 10 miles, radius of Lebanon. $25 per load Excellent (or barnyards, also Rain or Shine, classified ads will get $98 from Spaces Developments 525 you results. Call 926-2511 or 259-1694 USED TWIN SIZE Valley Appliance Service S30 SUPER SPECIAL! Winchester model 12's, while they last! Sporting goods, CB radios, warn winches, Osterlier Sunbeam products, Armstrong tires.

Gun sale on now. Oregon Arrow LOOKING lor a nice park with Wood and Fuel 4th and Lyon swimming pool, rec building and laundry facilities'' Call Heather Dale Mobile Park. We've got just what vou're looking (or. 926-3610. shrubbery.

Call Albany. 92S-77W COOD USED portable TV's- $25, $35 OAK WOOD. $40 a cord. Call 928 9079. CUT YOUR heating costs NOW! Fir, 926-9378.

SAVAGE II0E left hand 3046 ana $45. call 928-9491. Hay and Grain COME HOME TO SHOREWOOD SEARS radio, stereo combination, BOX SPRING AND MATTRESS $15 PATTERSON Furniture-Appliance 928-8561, Albany WATER well pump. tank. let.

$75 power Busnneii. ammo, i. Sweet Home TALLMAN'S 85TH ANNUAL FEBRUARY CLEARANCE of USED PIANOS and ORGANS If you've dreamed of living in a gently beautiful pecan, solid wood, $150 or best offer. Spinet piano, $575 or best S27.50. Ana in cooperation wun nose Nordstrand Cedar Products, cedar, $16 cord.

Neuman Bros. Fuel. When you deal with us you get that warm FACT up to 1 5 year financing FACT simple Interest rates FACT. only available at FHA APPROVED DEALERSHIP FACT ALBANY'S Largest APPROVED DEALERSHIP IS ALBANY'S BARGAIN CENTER LEISURELAND MOBILE HOMES 3232 E. Pacific Hwy.

at 1-5 928-1555 ORCHARD grass clippings $1 per $1 25 928-7610, gun bale, grass hay rolling environment of trees, lakes and winding pathways SHOREWOOD was designed with vou in mind 1905 Waverly 926-9787 offer 258-5601. NEW evenings feeling! 259-1894 or 928 1525. Corvallis, 745-5075 weekends; or weekday evenings. QUALITY ALFALFA hav for sale. Call 327-2345.

Jefferson ON SALE: Short time only; Boje'sdry old fir wood. Three cords, $50 258-6686 78x14 snow tires and wheels, $25, fit LARGE spaces al Jefferson Mobile Acres, l'j miles North o( Jefferson. Hammond K-112 Walnut. $695; GM products. After 5 p.m., 327 2738.

WHITE OAT straw. 75 cents a bale OLD GROWTH fir log ends, big two Call 928-9079 garden plots available in spring 327- Thomas Blond, $250; Seeburg duch*ess, $595; Hammond T-524 Pecan. $2233: Hammond Piper, $895; DEPRESSION GLASS blue, pink, green, unusual pieces, after 5 p.m. Was $14,000 now $12,800 BN MOBILE HOMES Highway 34 and Oakvllle Road 926-3565-926-8484 Check clearance values now I Ben Col bath Mobile Home Center CLOSE OUT SPECIAL New 1974 Gibralter, 14x70, three bedrooms, large living room, $9.36 a square foot. This won't last long I 5780 Commercial St.

SE Salem First freeway exit to S. Commercial Salem 378-0585 OPEN EVERYDAY 14x70 Three Bedroom, CUSTOM UNIT One Only $8995 Check out our special 20 Year Finance Plan. curu loau AtDany prices: split, loo thin pads. $52 Lebanon prices: Split jtn. GRAY OATS and wheat for sale.

CROSS COUNTRY SKI CLASSES with Dale Moon of Outdoor Pursuits. Beginning Saturday, January 11 contact BIKE 'n HIKE 118 ist. 928-2143 weekdays anytime Saturday, 926-3668. Phone 258-4670, Lebanon. nun paus, immeuiat delivery East Linn Fuel, 367-6096.

NEW SECTIONS JUST COMPLETED Baldwin Orgasonlc. $550; Thomas two man with automatic rhythm, $595; Hammond Walnut, $395; Weaver BARGAINS CHERRY and prune wood, $30 per View sites with country quiet at-biosphere Water and sewage TV kable, carports, rec building now in cora win deliver iau sawura. FOR SALE: Mixed oats and barley grain, ground or hole 258-4200 WHEAT straw. 50 cents rye grass straw, 75 cents, oak posts, yewwood anchor posts 259-1643. Lots of in stock from $2 95 a irpel carpet Console, $565; Wurlltzer4022D Cherry, $995; Estey with Magnatone Speaker, $575; Ivers and Pond Console, $895; 18" G.E color TV $324 MASTER SERVICE CENTER Santiam at Waverly 926-4478 WHO WANTS TO DRIVE 55 MILES AN HOUR? TAKE THE WORRY OUT OF DRIVING FAST RADAR SENTRIES REGULAR $39.95 SPECIAL $32.95 PACIFIC SOUND CENTER 235 S.

Pacific 928-2680 square yard to $9.95 a square yard FIR AND MAf LE, $25 cord, you pick operation Families welcome From ($55 per month See us now for best Thomas Convertible, $795; Kimball Lvery roll Is sale price and ready for Pi 9. p. for delivery. 367-3332, Sweet 1040 Walnut, $1695; Wurlitzer 4420 selection! iome. immediate installation Remnants with savings to 50 per cent.

Vinyl six foot and 12 foot wide $1.95 a square HAY FOR SALE Call 394-2270. Scio KNOLL TERRACE PARK 5055 Elliott Circle Corvallis. 752-2225. Mahogany. $695; Thomas AR1 with automatic rhythm, $645; Thomas VL2 mahogany with automatic rhythm, $945; Early American Spinet, $765; Walnut Spinet Piano.

$695; Story and OAK AND MAPLE firewood well cured, $45 cord delivered, $40 yard. See us for your floor covering needs. Vallev Floorland. 12th and S. delivered $40 U-pick up 928-3373.

Pacific 926-3471. EASTERN OREGON alfalfa. $250 down payment NEW 14x70 three bdrm SALE PRICE $9,300 Down Payment $250 Balance to Finance $9,050 1 44 Monthly Payments of $117.74 Finance Charge $7,904 Annual Percentage Rote. 12 Deferred Payment Price $17,454 FHA FINANCING FOR MOBILE HOMES Albany's Only Approved Dealership for FHA FINANCING ALBANY'S BARGAIN CENTER delivered, $68 and $70 Call 258-8311, USED convertible crib, used bed. two Boa Is- Motors-Supplies Auto Insurance Automotive Hrnlal SEASONED oak firewood, $25 half Clark with automatic rhythm.

$895; Thomas Two Manual, $495, Kimball Modular Homes 530 Leoanon matching chests, very good condition, cord S40 full cord Prompt delivery $70. Call 926-9719. Walnut wtth automatic rhythm. $595. Vehicles to Rent WHEAT straw, can deliver Ground ROGERS Wrought Iron, custom marie Tires barley and wheat feed Call 258-5968, Lebanon 850 ood and Produce FIREWOOD fir or alder, $30 a cord to your specifications Call 928-2909.

Automotive Repair, ix-tail and Accessoriri TALLMAN'S PIANOS-ORGANS Bl-Mart Shopping Center Call 926-7197 weekdays after 6 p.m MAPLE FIREPLACE wood $35 SALTED horse hay EXCELLENT beef. 79 cents a pound. for sale Top Miscellaneous Wanted Canopies 86S quality, $1 25 a bale Call 928-9014 cut. wrapped, frozen Call after 5 p.m., 327-2738. Jefferson cord Also, fir, $30 a cord Call 926-4705 Santiam Highway 928-2900 Travel Trailers and Campers Recreational Vehicles WANTED TO BUY: Good usert FIR and maple.

$30 a cord plus $5 900 90S 910 915 920 92S 990 93.1 935 937 940 945 950 955 960 965 970 975 980 985 995 Pasture-Stables-Services 730 outboard, five to eight HP. nreferahlv HOURS: Mon -Frl 10-8. Sat. 10-6, Sun 1-5 "Where the Coffee Pot RED POTATOES, closed Saturday, Louis Williams. 327-2406 delivery none im-tai jl'tililv trailers If'ycles-SnoH mobiles -Carts Heavy Equipment nun soait.

vouhis. OAK WOOD. $45 a cord fir wood. $35 a is ALWAYS on" WANTED: Camner larks SANTIAM ORCHARDS HORSE stall and pasture to rent. North Albany.

Phone 926-7684. cord. Delivered. Phone 259-1643 Lebanon uiiu an oiaer moae Mute Ca I BOISE CASCADE HOMES More than 30 floor plans and designs to choose from. We'll help you arrange financing for your new home.

Models shown by appointment. JAMES MINER 367-4216, 928-4681, 258-8427 Authorized Dealer BOISE CASCADE HOMES Aircraft il'sed Cars for Sale Jmports Only a few bushels of apples left. Red Delicious only South River Rd Lebanon. 258-7622. HORSESHOEING LARGE SELECTION 84 Household Appliances I Trucks.

Vans. Pickups 'Four Wheel Drives diierop.m. WANTED: Used garden rototiller Leave message for Ralph at 926-3354. WANTED: SMALL cement mixer Phone 926-1897. LEISURELAND MOBILE HOMES 3232 E.

Pacific Hwy. at 1-5 928-1555 SUPER FRIGIDA1RE chest type freezer Locally Grown Field Run Autos to Trade Automobiles Wanted Automotive Display large capacity, not working, best Corrective shoeing and trimming MIKE STRICKLAND 926-0641 WANT to rent pasture for seven head yearling calves Call evenings, after 926-5084 HORSESHOEING Gary Cartwright, 928-4243 offer Phone 926-4848 I BUY portable TV's, working or not. FOR SALE: Apartment freezer, 3 9 Russet Potatoes Call 928-9491 cubic fool, $140 Call 926-3738 900 Boats-Motors-Supplies PAYING TOP DOLLAR for silver AVOCADO 16 pound dryer, coppertone dryer, Maytag washer, guaranteed 1969 16 foot, inDoara- Dayliner, Dayliner, coins and old pocket watches 928-5590. BING AND Grondal Christmas plates prior to 1970. Call 926-6486.

6. Financial You Get A Lot Of Readership For Pennies Use the Albany Democrat-Herald Want Ads. Dial 926-2211 or outboard boat, 120 hp motor, 367-2692. Sweet Home Refrigerator, $35. 928-9985 Anytime NEW 12 cubic foot Hotpoint upright freezers $258 You haul.

Roth's Furniture. 725 1st 926-9491. SAVINGS! 12x60 $6395 14x64 $8150 16 FOOT Glastron, 90 hi $4.50 100 pound sack Free delivery in Albany area. 926-3020 FREEZER BEEF BY THE HALF Johnson 77. outboard.

$1200 Phone 926-1 870 Musical Instruments OF USED PIANOS AND ORGANS PRICES REDUCED FOR THE BUDGET Select from: Wurlitzer, Lowrey, Kimball, Thomas, Kohler and Campbell and many more. TUCKEA MUSIC CENTER 130 S. Ellsworth, Albony FIFTEEN foot Hvd HOTPOINT double oven, deluxe hile range. $150 Whirlpool, while, portable dishwasher. $100 Wagon wheel bunk beds.

$75 All excellent Call 258-3419 8. Miscellaneous Business Opportunities Insurance Investments Wanted Money to Lend Money Wanted Mortgages Contracts 605 619 SIS 620 Evinrude, $900 or trade for car. Call 926-5094, after 5pm 14x64 $7995 14x70 $8495 25 Idaho Choice Star 78' 13 FOOT McKenzle, new, unpainted, reasonable Call 926-2576, after 5pm WANTED: Small aluminum boat with WANT TO buy good used piano Please phone 926-1440. DRUMMER'S DELIGHT Inventory reduction, fantastic savings up to 25 per cent off new and used drums, limited time only For information on percussion instruments or accessories call Paul, Tucker Music. 926-7759 Idaho Select 75' 600 Business Opportunities Idaho Economy 65' Cut, wrapped, frozen, delivered.

Half hogs, 75' pound. oars that I can car-top 926-8364, after 6 p.m. 22 FOOT dory, electric gurney. 1973 Evinrude, 65 hp excellent fishing record. $2600.

Call 265-5195. FOR SALE: Half of Albany travel agency. $7500 includes furniture and inventory Plus auto and ATC USED WASHERS AND DRYERS, Midway TV and Appliance 1700 E. Pacific Blvd Albany RECONDITIONED Automatic Washers from $89 Valley Appliance Service '4th and Lyon SEARS double oven range, good condition. $150 Phone 928-1540 All houses equipped with storm windows, all electric, carpeting and moy more options.

Price includes delivery appointment Call Circle Reallv. 926 8666 Check our prices for quantity purchases, Free delivery to Albany, Lebanon, Sweet Home 615 Money to Lend and set up. STOP! STOP! STOP! If you are looking for a guitar or amplifier, we have a full variety for the beginner, the advanced, as well as area on orders of 50 pounds "NTER-CITY SALES LOOK FOR THE BIG ORANGE BUILDING 5 miles south of Albany on Interstate 5 at Corvallis-Lebanon exit. 926-8844 NEW 1975 Commodore Three or four bedroom with family room $11 JL square foot Delivered set up OPENING SOON in Albany-Corvallis area EASY LIVIN' MOBILE HOMES 378-1741 SALEM 1895 Lancer N.E. $245 down payment New 14 x64 Two bedroom, all electric, storm windows, double insulation.

SALE PRICE $8700 Down Payment $245 Balance to Finance $8455 1 44 Monthly Payments $109.99 Annual Percentage Rate. 12 Deferred Payment Price $16,328.56 Lawn-Garden Equipment 875 Auctions 800 Antiques K05 Building Materials K10 Hk'cles-Tos 815 ameras Photo Supplies K20 Farm Ranch Equipment 825 Wood and Fuel 830 Hobbies and rafls 8.15 Household pplianres 840 Household Furniture H-U TV, Radio and Stereo H45 Food and Produce 850 Moi ing and Storage Garage and Rummage Sales 855 Miscellaneous for Sale H60 Miscellaneous Wanted 865 'Musical Instruments K70 Lawn-Garden Equipment 875 Nursery Stock-Supplies 877 Offire Kquipmrnt 880 Sporting Goods 885 Swaps K(Ml Miscellaneous l)ispla 8951 Auctions 800 Lebanon Loans available on older homes and unimproved land that does not qualify lor conventional financing INTERSTATE MORTAGE CO 571 Union Salem 585-1327 USED RANGES AND WASHERS ONE DRYER TWO DOOR REFRIGERATORS NEW FREEZERS APPLIANCE CENTER 415 W. 1st, 928-8242. RIDING mowers. 5 HP, three speed, $170.

4 HP, two speed. $135 1973 models Rototiller. 4 HP, $85, Montag wood circulator $55, all items excellent condition Call Brownsville 466 5284 the professional. TUCKER MUSIC CENTER 130 Ellsworth TWELVE STRING guitar. $100; five string banjo.

$140 Both new 926-5610. MOBILE HOMES 6725 Philomath Blvd. 929-3249 Open Mon. through Sot. 9 to 5 p.m.-Closed Sunday or mere.

SPECIAL ft Idaho milk fed baby beef 69' lb. HSK MEATS A Department of Andy's Market, Philomath. 929-5812, days; 258-6220, evenings NEW! FROM GREGOR River Jet boots all welded aluminum construction. 16, 1 8, 20 and 24 It. models now at LEBANON MARINE Johnson-Seahorse Afators 1410 South Main, Lebanon 62! Mortgages Contracts WASHER, dryer, $39 95 each uaranteed; Also newer washer and 'Nursery Stock-Supplies 877 ryer guaranteed.

928-9985, anytime GARDEN manure, get It now Sacks, pails or pick-up. Marchon Stables, WASHER AND DRYER, 1973 General Electric, used three months, heavy TUCKER MUSIC CENTER Before Buying An dutv. coppertone, $250 Phone 928 7333 MUSHROOM fertilizer, no weeds, three yards. $19 delivered 928-2521 853 Moving and Storage Salem, 362-0811, 362-0331, collect. NEW 30-inch Range $188 VALLEY APPLIANCE SERVICE 4th and Lyon AUCTION YARD Organ or Piano Check our quality and prices.

One of Oregon's largest piano and organ volume stores. Operated Frcv Sale everv Recreation Vehicles to Rent 915 RENT our 20-foot motor home CASH AVAILABLE Loans on Real Estate Small Acreages and Older Homes Contracts 8 Mortgages Purchased DEBENTURE Mortgage Co. P.O Box 515 Stoyton. Oregon Call 1-769-6377 or 769-5445 HEMLOCK BARK Rico's Dek A Bark 1715 Calapooia-926-8701 Evenings, 926-0595 SELF-STOlT Individual storage units for rent, 24 hour access, located at the corner of Queen and 13th and Industrial Way in Albany. Sues ranee from 5 10-10 10 to 10 20 Ideal for household items irsday 1 Livestock is our 130 Ellsworth 926-7759 Business, larin sacs our sueiiallv Household Furniture 843 Reasonable rates Call 928-9909 Your siliMfaction is our rcDUIalinn We Inn livestock 12SI 810 Building Materials business inventories, sub contractors, etc Call Investment Properties Inc 753-2688 K.i in or Shine, classified ads will get you results Call 926-2211 or 259-1694 NEW BP JOHN 7 ft.

SOFA 1NHURCLON Reg $269 FLOOR SAMPLE NOW $169 KILROYS Big Savings Are Yours If You Act Now! Kilroy's Spring Mobile Home Sale Ends end of February Open all day every day, for your shopping convenience KILROYS MOBILE SALES 410 S. AIRPORT RD. 926-4462 Albany Garage and Rummage Sales 855 7. Livestock LINN COUNTY BUSINESS AND SERVICE DIRECTORY A directory of businessmen and skilled tradesmen ready to work for you VALLEY LUMBER CO Pallet stock 1 x6x5 ft. rough Douglas Fir $145 m.

980 W. 1st, Halsey 369-2311 ROTH'S FURNITURE 725 1st Pels and Supplies 7)N aide and Horses Til l.ixestm rtrprdiiiK TO HONDA 350. barbells, chess set, drums, household items, clothing Miscellaneous 304 Part St Lebanon BETA Sigma Phi. Theta chapter garage sale and bazaar February 28 and March 1st from 9am on at The Veteran Memorial Hall Donations greatlv appreciated Call 928-9324 Other Ueslmk 7 UN lo nil andKahntls 71'. I.ixestock Supplies TLfi FHA FINANCING Albany's Largest Approved Dealership for FHA FINANCING ALBANY'S BARGAIN CENTER LEISURELAND MOBILE HOMES Open Seven Days 9 7 3232 E.

Pacific Hwy. at 15 Across from Waverly Lake 928-1555 GARAGE SALE. McKinnev Lane Hav and Pasture-St ables-SiTi ires in Stock A Supplies Wanted BLOW PLYWOOD Lebanon. Thursday and Friday, children's items, lurnilure. FENCING ADVERTISING END TABLES $5 and up PATTERSON Furniture-Appliances 928-8561.

Albany NEW TUBULAR STEEL BUNK BEDS COMPLETE WITH FOAM MATTRESS $149 ROTH'S FURNITURE Broken posts' Fence falling'' New fence and fence repair All types, tree 700 Pets and Supplies A three line ad in the Linn County Business and Service Directory reaches over 51.000 readers daily and REMODELING Quality remodeling, new additions, kitchens, garages, carports, etc Work guaranteed Jack Pyburn, 928-7108 CARPENTRY: Remodeling of all kinds, big or small, by the Job or by the hours 928-8224, after 3p estimates can uave 745 5668 inch costs only 10 50 per month Call Democrat Herald Classified THE Odd Job Man, all types of fencing miscellaneous items GARAGE SALE Avon, depressions, collectibles Lots of miscellaneous 139 Curtis next road to Century drive on Knox Butte Road 10-5pm on February 25 and 26th old Dachshund Please call 928 LOST Ten month puppy, beige collar $2.95 per sheet free SMALL REMODELING Jobs estimates SQUARE DEAL Department for details AERIAL APPLICATION Spraying seeding fertilizing Professional Custom Service Albany AG-Air, Inc. 926-6442-928-9693 BUILDING AND REPAIR, licensed. 725 1st 926-9491 iscellaneous for Sale 860 ny auciany rencing materials available 926-3257 FURNACES Heating Equipment Gas Appliances We Service, Sell All Types GUY HENDR1X 926-3440 INCOME TAX PERSONAL-small business-farms Licensed, experienced. 733 Lyon, Barbara Jenkins. 926 7382 A 4860 FREE TO good home with children -one year female Black Labrador, shots, license, spayed Phone 928 2861 alter Bp FRKK Two dogs one while Husky one Poodle Terrier mix Please call 926-5650.

evenings AKr registered Toy Poodles three months old Phone 928 2882 FOR SALK Doberman and Australian Sheoherd mix pups, look FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE Green Stamp Special DOUBLE WIDES MARQUETTE industrial arc welder. ECONOMY SUPPLY, INC. Saturdays til 4 p.m. 258-7107 Almost to Lebanon, Hwy. 34 250 amps, $100 Sony reel to reel 350.

20 tapes. $100 See at 355 Walker Lane, after 5pm and weekends Will trade lor washer, dryer New Five Drawer Walnut Chests Nicely Finished $29 A-Z APPLIANCE AND FURNITURE ANSWER SERVICE Answer Yours Locally 1 For 24 hour service. 926-4476 Nardello, 752-5296 bonded 1528 FRAMING, remodeling, new additions. 20 years experience, Albany-Corvallis area Dick Lee. evenings, weekends 926 7201 Sunrise Construcfion Remodeling Specialist Fast service, quality work at reasonable prices Free estimates, licensed and bonded 15 years experience Carpentry work, ALUMINUM 216 East 2nd 926-6101 TWIN SIZE BED, complete.

$45 pool table $20: stainless steel sink. $5: while five drawer dresser. $20. wooden play pen. $7 50.

brown swag lamp. $5. best offer or will trade for 845 TV, Radio and Stereo black recliner Phone 926-6348 DVNA-GYM Free Demonstration 752 24x36 STATLER Two bedroom, on both 24x40 PRAKWAY Two bedroom, one both 24x56 KINGSWOOD Three bedroom, two both INCOME TAX PREPARATION Licensed tax consultant Jim Williamson. 926-9532. 2326 34th Ave INCOME TAXES PREPARED Licensed Tax Consultant George Lloyd, 926-3524 Pick-up and deliver Garland Byerlev Accounting and Income Tax Service 926-4769 $9450 100,000 $10,900 150,000 $15,750 200,000 6896.

evenings, weekends like Doberman J10 Call 258-2320 TO GIVE AWAY to good home Nine month old female pup. mostly German Shepherd has had shots, excellent with children Call 258 8.KI1 Lebanon GERMAN Shnrlhair puppies eighl weeks old beautiMK marked S'5 Phone 928-8089 FRKK English Shepherd puppies, two months old Phone 928 8073 SKK these Large red and rust Doberman male obedience trained SEALY mattress sale now on at TWO TV'S One color console new tube one black and white portable, excellent condition 928 7408. anytime 19 INCH RCA portable color TV. four years old good picture. $150 Phone after 6 Roth Good selection ol qualities ana sizes Shoo now and save Roth's ALBANY TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE When you're Out we're in 24 hour service 926-9412 ACL ANSWERING SERVICE Radio Paging and Mobile Phone APPLIANCE REPAIR Midway TV and Appliance Washer Dryer Repair Albany 926-8619 BOOKKEEPING BB BOOKKEEPING Service Call 928-8577 ETHEL YOCl'M Bookkeeping and Tax Service 712 9th 921782 Furniture.

725 East 1st 926-9491 WE will prepare anv Individual or 850 Food and Produce 850 Food and Produce business Income tax return Blnex. 429 24x56 SILVERCREST 2nd 926-6170 $19,500 200,000 Two bedroom, two both INCOME work Taxes, experienced STORM WINDOWS VERTICAL ANl HORIZONTAL SLIDERS STORM DOORS ALL SIZES MODELS TERRIFIC SAVINGS NOW AT WENDEL WOODWORKING 21 35 So Geary 928 7337 uaranteed I. licensed Pick i up and livery Larry Oliver, 926-3474 three tiny adull Chihuahua females one two pound Pomeranian female ail AKC Very reasonahle Call 258 7524 AKC Registered Dalmatians eight weeks, distemper shots 140 and up 928 4910 3121 Clav AKC registered Doberman Pinscher puppies Call 259 1898 Lebanon 14 WIDES MACHINE SHOP TOOL and die. Injection molds ireclsion honing and grinding Baxter Sweet Home. Linerty school Rd 1-367-4752 AKC Doberman puppies champion blood lines shots ani nd wormed males and females 258 5257 NURSING EMPLOYES screened, bonded FOR SALE Registered AKC red and rust Doberman Pinschers 740 Elm Insured By the hour or as long as needed.

4 hour minimum Call St Albany after 5 remodeling, additions. Jacking up houses, foundations, removing dry roC free dry rot and termite Inspection, exterminating Contact John Jordon 745-5144 CARPENTRY WORK, remodeling additions, house leveling. Jacking up houses foundations removing dry rot. cabinets, counter lops, licensed.

Bonded Dave Bridges 926-3272 ROCK AND SHALE CRUSHED quarry rock, rip rap pit run shale, fill material Mack Slate, home (28 3886. shop quarry 928 9111 ROOF TRUSSES WOOD TRUSS FABRICATIONS 1010 SE Gold Fish Farm Rd Albany. 926-6898 SLAUGHTERING Bruce Mobile Slaughtering GaryL Torgemn 327 28 Evenlnp 928 9226 STEREO REPAIR WE SERVICE AND REPAIR ALL MAKES ANI) BRANDS WE SPECIALIZE IN Tape players and car radios PACIFIC SOUND CENTER 2325 Pacific Blvd I28 2B80 STORM WINDOWS STORM WINDOWS AND DOORS SALES AND SERVICE Wendel 21M I Geary 128 7U7 TREE SERVICE Homemakers i Upjohn Co I. Salem. 588-1155 LINN COL MY Kennel Club The perfect was to find buyers for idle items a low-cost classified ad in the Albany Democrat Herald CARPETING JORDAN CARPETS 121 Geary.

928 4980 Carpet In slock BILL'S CARPET SERVICE Custom carpet Installation Bonded-Insured fill 926-7372 ORIENTAL CARPETS cleaned, repaired and rewoven by Atlyeh of Portland Free Pickup and Delivery FRIBERG'S INTERIORS 8th and Lyon t28 3327 CRAFTS ODD JOBS 14x60 GIBRALTER Two bedroom, one both 14x60 GIBRALTER Two bedroom, one both 14x70 GIBRALTER Two bedroom, one both 14x70 STATLER Three) bedroom, one both 14x70 STATLER Three bedroom, one both 14x62 FIRST CABIN One bedroom, one both $8250 75,000 $8300 75,000 $9500 75,000 $8995 50,000 $9995 50,000 $6995 THE ODD JOB MAN FENCES CONCRETE PAINT CARPENTER obedience and conformation clauses start March 3 For information rail 928 3009 and 926 9206 LICK 4 KENNELS Obedience school classes now1 Boarding by appointment Grooming all breeds Puppies Labrador Retrievers and West Highland White Terriers Chet and Man Lou Ludlmi If I can't do the Job correctly I'll recommend someone who can All guaranteed Free estimates J237 gladly FARMERS MARKET MEAT SALE T-Bone Steak 10 lb. $9 90 Sirloin Steak 10 lb. $9.90 Rib Steak to lb. $9.90 Round Steok 10 lb. $9.90 Ground Beef 10 lb.

$5.40 Country Sausage 10 lb. $6.99 Beet Liver 3 lb. $1.00 Assorted Luncheon Meats, 6 oi pkg 43 Bacon, sliced 1 lb. ,89 50 lb. Economy Pock $31.95 44 lb.

Combo Pock $44 79 55 lb. Formers Meat Pock $49 95 25 lb. Bee Pock $21.95 Half Beet Cut ond Wropped 59 lb. Front Quarter Cut and Wropped 54 lb. Hind Quarter Cut and Wrapped 69 lb All Meat USOA Inspecled, Meal Price good for month of February.

Food Stomps accepted on all meat purcho Luxury Bread 22 oz. Loot white, wheat, or crocked wheoi 3 looves $1.00 Dried Blockeye Beons Peorl Barley, Spirt Pea or Popcorn 4 lb. $1.09 Pototoet 50 lb No 2 $2 49, 20 lb No. 2 95 10 lb. No 1 .55 Available for planting now.

Onion Sets. Seed Potato. Fruit Tree, fthuborb. Strowberri4H and Berri-. FARMER'S MARKET Hwy.

20, North of Lebanon 258-2165 926-7414 Happy Buyer are eager to read your! Pink Elephant Gift Hohby Shop 21 18S Geary Albany. 126 2305 COLD CERAMICS tree classes ciassineo io puce it now. Cattle and Horses 70! fur. chenille, craft supplies PAINTING Artificial floral arrangements DECORATOR CONSULTANT Interior Palnflng Cill7a3-tMt GENE'S PAINTING FOR SALE Fifteen Registered Angus heifers some from sons of Camilla Chance 37T Bend Bros Sew 144 2463 1x10 KNOTTY PINE SHELVING BOARDS NOW ONLY 1 5 PER FOOT Wt olso custom cut shelve and decoupoge boordi. Miller-Haines BUILDING SUPPLY 950SGeory 926-4438 CUSTOM drapes Upholstery and Interior and exterior Leral references fret estimates 128 T74 Shutter Free estimates Call Sears Roebuck and Co.

Albany (264451 Lebanon. I 25MI3S MIST SELL Immediately Seven vear TREE TRIMMING wo regisierea Appaloosa gelding $100 topping and rzs rrume ytii erownsvij removal Free estimates DECOR SUPPLIES (an years, Arabian TWO MARES IJ Thoroughbred $150, NO TRADES PLEASE CONSER HOMES S35 N.E. tswy Hood, Corvollis 752 967 1 "WOMP OF CONSERVATIVE PRICES" Mil TYPING Appaleoss with 4 510 Walker pink paper I200 Both Paint wallpaper shelving Paneling snutter rork Sptndies. door t7-44 Mlller Hainet. V)5 Geary PIANO TUNING PROFESSIONAL tuning repairing regulating rebuilding SNfDERTl PIANO SERVICE 25i $587 Ed HemmlAgsfln tl year 0U twert Tuner Call Tucker 26 77M home pnone ns-707 REMODELING REMODELING repair and eabtnet letter Will type terms rnumea tenruVelc Peonerxtlt Rd Lebanon 254 2908 Lrtestoclt Breeding 707 DRAIN THE FHA Approved WELDING BflffteOitng I build sr matr' rrt tO Mine phone U7HS7 I QUALITY dram tile end plastic tutting Alse Irwtallallm service Corvallis Brtrk Tile IN Crystal Lake Drive.

751 71 52 or 7U SXM Beef, Dairy, Horses Artificial insemination, 256-6563 2 years experience Diet Khtser, Mt-J Mount Mondov-Sotwrdoy Sundov 1 5 Mi..

Albany Democrat-Herald from Albany, Oregon (2024)


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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.